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7030 - School Traffic Safety Committee

 Transportation Management Washington County School District - Adopted 6-9-92

1. Purpose:

"The committee handles specific problems and issues relating to school trip safety for each school in the District. The committee reviews and submits each child access routing plan and recommends school traffic safety improvements, boundary changes for safety, and school safety program criteria.

2. Policy:

The School Board shall establish for each school year a school traffic safety committee. The committee shall be composed of one representative of:

2.1.The schools within the District.

2.2 The Parent Teachers' Association of the schools within the District.

2.3 The municipality or county.

2.4 State or local law enforcement.

2.5 State or local traffic safety engineering.

3. Procedure:

3.1 The committee shall:

3.1.1. Receive suggestions from parents, teachers, and others and recommend school traffic safety improvements, boundary changes to enhance safety, and school traffic safety program measures

3.1.2. Review and submit annually to the Department of Transportation and affected municipalities and counties a child access routing plan for each elementary, middle, and junior high school within the District

3.1.3. Consult the Utah Safety Council and the Division of Family Health Services and provide training to all school children in kindergarten through grade six within the District on school crossing safety and use.

3.1.4. Help ensure the District's compliance with rules made by the Transportation Commission under Section 41-6-20-1.

3.2 Problems or suggestions from parents, teachers, or school administrators involving school traffic safety shall be submitted to the school Traffic Safety Committee for review and recommendations.

3.3 Each elementary school shall prepare and update annually a routing plan. The plan shall show, as a minimum, the walking routes on the street system within the school boundaries, the school location, existing traffic controls, and established school crossings. The plan also shall address the loading/unloading areas for students who ride the bus or arrive at school by another method of transportation. An explanation of the plan, instruction to parents to walk the route with their children, and an outline of areas of concern shall also be included. The plan shall be reviewed annually by the School Traffic Safety Committee. After review by the Committee, the plan shall be sent to each parent whose children attend the elementary school, and to the local and state jurisdictions that have responsibility for highways within the elementary school boundaries.

3.4 Each middle and junior high school shall prepare and update annually a child access routing plan. The plan shall show, as a minimum, the school crossings on the major highways and may include the elementary school routing plans within the junior high school boundaries.

3.5 Each senior high school may also prepare a school route plan.

3.6 Each elementary school shall, as a minimum, present a traffic safety program to its students annually. The program shall include safe pedestrian behavior and limitations of drivers and traffic control devices." (Utah Department of Transportation, Manual and Specifications on School Crossing Zones Supplement to Part VII of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, pages 1 and 2.)

3.7 The committee may establish subcommittees as needed to assist in accomplishing its duties. The Board shall require each elementary, middle, and junior high school within the District to develop and submit annually to the committee a child access routing plan. (H.B. No. 32, 1992 Legislation)

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