District Policy Washington County School District Logo


7040 - Out-of-State Travel for Activities and Field Trips

 Transportation Management Washington County School District - Approved 9-12-06; Revised 12-09-14; Revised 12-8-15; Revised 5-13-24

1.  Purpose

While the study of the basic curriculum at the school shall provide the basis of the education program, the Washington County School Board recognizes that student field trips and travel opportunities may enhance the quality of a student's educational experience. The purpose of this policy is to set in place procedures to minimize the disruption in the basic educational program, ensure safety, limit most extended travel to high school students and provide equity in the opportunity to travel for both curricular and extracurricular programs.

2.  Policy

School administrators must submit out-of-state travel requests at least 60 days in advance for administrative review and approval using the following procedures:

3.  Procedure

3.1.  Limitations

3.1.1.  Only high school students (grades 9-12) are eligible to travel out of state.

3.1.2.  Travel will only be allowed to bordering states. (Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, and southern California - Bakersfield and south)

3.1.3.  No team or group is allowed more than one (1) trip per year.

3.1.4.  The cost per student shall not exceed twelve hundred dollars. ($1200)

3.1.5.  The maximum number of school days missed shall not exceed two.

3.1.6.  Participation in the activity is optional for students and must not be identified as a course requirement.

3.2. Out-of-State Travel Request and Approval Requirements

               3.2.1.  The out-of-state request must include:

  • Detailed travel itinerary.
  • The name of the group requesting permission to travel.
  • The proposed destination, mode of travel, accommodations and number of students involved.
  • A list of all advisors/teachers/coaches and adult supervisors.
  • The objectives of the trip, including valid and complete documentation of the educational outcomes.
  • Specific and clearly defined reasons the trip cannot meet the education objectives at another location closer to home.
  • The number and dates of school days missed (may not exceed two).
  • The estimated total student cost of the trip including percentage of fundraising used to fund the trip per student.
  • Information about all safety issues and risks.
  • Documents supporting appropriate insurance coverage.
  • The contract for transportation services or vehicle rental agreement.

               3.2.2.  Parent Meeting:

A parent/guardian meeting must be held in conjunction with development of the student travel request.  This meeting must be conducted by the principal.  In this meeting the parent will be informed of all costs, fundraising efforts, proposed detailed travel itinerary and the potential for non-refunds or expenditures when trips are canceled.  There is a required confidential vote of the parents/guardians of the students involved.  If 80% of the parents/guardians support the plan then the principal will forward the proposal to the Executive Director of Secondary Education for approval by the Board.

              3.2.3.  Permission Form:

The parent/guardian of each student shall submit, to the principal, a written permission form indicating permission to participate in all fundraising and travel events, proof of medical insurance, and contact information in case of emergency.

              3.2.4.  Principal Approval:

The school principal shall review and consider the educational purpose, risks, objectives, itinerary, adult supervision, and leader oversight.  If the principal supports the need for out-of-state travel approval, s/he shall submit a recommendation to the Executive Director of Secondary Education.  The request must be signed by the principal (cannot be a designee).

              3.2.5.  District Approval:

  • All requests must be submitted to the District Office at least 60 days prior to the trip.
  • District approval shall be contingent upon satisfactory proof that all documentation, permission forms, parent meeting requirements have been met according to this policy.
  • The Executive Director for Secondary Schools shall consider all information provided, review the request, and approve or disapprove of the activity as appropriate.

3.3. Travel for the following groups IS NOT included in this policy.  They require the approval of the school principal and the CTE Director (if applicable).

  • Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA)
  • Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
  • Future Farmers of America (FFA)
  • Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
  • Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)
  • Skills USA
  • Other Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) as sanctioned by the USOE
  • Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC)
  • History Fair
  • Ibigawa, Japan
  • Robotics

3.4.  Special consideration will be given to district-sponsored graduation trips.



Out-of-State Travel Informed Consent - Form 703

Principal Out-of-State Travel Checklist - Form 704

PROCEDURE v2025.03.19 | Developed for Washington County School District | © 2025 WCSD | Feedback