District Policy Washington County School District Policy Approved and Sanctioned by the Board of Education. Language/Idioma: English EspaƱol All Policy 0000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 Consider 2000 - Students DOC # CATEGORY DOCUMENT 2110 2000 - Students Safe Schools Policy 2115 2000 - Students Student Non-Discrimination and Prevention of Harassment 2116 2000 - Students Sexual Harassment 2120 2000 - Students Use of Emergency Safety Interventions and Prohibition of Corporal Punishment 2130 2000 - Students Procedure for Detaining Students (Grades K-6) After Regular School Hours 2200 2000 - Students Student Dress Code 2210 2000 - Students School Uniforms/Dress Code 2300 2000 - Students Homebound Program 2310 2000 - Students Child Abuse and Neglect 2320 2000 - Students Medication Policy for Students 2330 2000 - Students Student Immunizations 2340 2000 - Students Student Insurance 2360 2000 - Students Student Concussion and Head Injury Policy 2400 2000 - Students Student Illness or Injury at School 2410 2000 - Students Student Memorial Policy 2500 2000 - Students Student Privacy and Data Protection 2700 2000 - Students School Prayer 2800 2000 - Students Parent and Family Engagement Policy 2810 2000 - Students School Community Councils 2900 2000 - Students Attendance 2910 2000 - Students Leaving School Before Final Scheduled Day - Secondary Students 2920 2000 - Students Student Enrollment 2940 2000 - Students Homeless Children and Youth 2950 2000 - Students Dismissal of Students during Regular School Day (Emergencies) 2960 2000 - Students Student Visitors 2961 2000 - Students Language Access Plan