District Policy Washington County School District Logo


5100 - Key Management

 Facilities Management - Adopted 11-13-12


The purpose of these Key Management Policy is to help protect the property and security of Washington County School District and its occupants. This policy applies to the management of all keys including those to all space, vehicles, safes, padlocks, etc owned, operated, or controlled by the facility.


The Administrator over each school or district facility shall appoint a Key Control Manager to supervise, implement, execute and enforce key control policies and procedures.  The Key Control Manager shall monitor the security of keys, issue and manage the return of keys with proper documentation, authorization, and transaction receipts.


Keys: For the purpose of this policy keys shall refer to keys, keyless credentials, smart cards, keyless entry systems, combinations, remote cards, virtual keys, mobile keys, proximity devises, fobs, and any other system, devise, or tool used to access buildings, rooms, storage facilities, warehouses, or any other district facility or location.

District Key Security Specialist: Appointed by the Washington County School District Superintendent and implements, trains, and accounts for District compliance with this policy.

Building Key Managers: Appointed by the building administrator (normally a secretary or specialist) who performs responsibility outlined in this policy, under the direction, training, and accountability of the District Key Security Specialist.

2.2. The Key Security Specialist will implement and manage a district key control system. The Key Security Specialist will supervise, implement, execute and enforce key control policies and procedures. A dedicated computer software application will be used to inventory and manage keys, preferred-KRIS or equivalent. The Key Security Specialist will:

  • Identify the method and implement procedures for the issuing, inventorying, securing, and collecting all keys;
  • Train school and building key managers in the correct management of keys;
  • Audit School, building and facility key management programs for compliance with this policy; and
  • Report audit findings to the school / building administrator and District Superintendent Annually.

2.3. Each school or building administrator will designate an employee as the Building Key Manager. The Building Key Manager will:

  • Issue and record the issuance of keys using the procedures and system identified by the District Key Security Specialist;
  • Issue keys only to authorized employees of the Washington County School District who have legitimate and official requirement for the keys (exceptions may be made by the WCSD Superintendent or designee);
  • Issue keys for the limited duration of need, not by term of employment;
  • Store keys and key records in a secure locked location (data or location physical items). Master keys shall be regulated by the WCSD Superintendent or his representative.
  • Audit records, identify key holders, verify key possession, and report findings to the District Key Security Specialist.

2.4. All employees or other authorized individual issued keys (key holders) shall agree to and comply with the following conditions:

  • All Keys are the property of the Washington County School District, only official use of keys is authorized.;
  • No person or department shall knowingly receive, borrow, or possess any keys without receiving permission from the Building Key Manager.
  • Key holders shall not knowingly alter, duplicate, copy, or make a facsimile of any keys to a lock of a facility, building or property. Pursuant to Utah Code 63A-5-501 et. Seq. it is illegal to duplicate keys to public buildings. Any person violating this provision of the law shall be subject to criminal prosecution.
  • Key holders must not give or loan his/her keys to grant access to non-authorized individuals, students or friends.
  • Grand master keys will not be loaned to anyone at any time, the individual that signed for the keys will always be responsible for the keys security and protection. Holder of the grand master will always get approval prior to entering a building, NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Key holders entering locked building or spaces are responsible for re-securing all doors and shall not prop open any door.
  • Key holders shall take measures to protect and safeguard any facility keys issued to them or in their name.
  • Key holders shall not store keys in desk drawers or other unsecured areas.
  • Key holders shall immediately report any lost, missing, stolen or damaged keys. A fee of $5.00 for replacement of damaged keys, Up to $50.00 and/or disciplinary action for loaning your keys to unauthorized individuals for any use, $25.00 to $500.00 for lost keys, and $50.00 to $1000.00 for the loss of a master key. Cost for this will be deducted from the employee pay-check.
  • Key holders will inventory their keys with the Building Key Manager at the start and end of each school year.
  • Key holders will return all and account for all keys within 24 hours of any action or assignment change affecting their need or authority to retain a key. (End of school year, end of employment, change in responsibility, etc).

2.5. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Violations may also result in criminal prosecution

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