District Policy Washington County School District Logo


5111 - Naming of School Facilitites

 Buildings, Grounds, Equipment Washington County School District (Approved 9-11-01); Approved 2-9-16

1. Purpose:

The purpose of this policy is to describe the conditions under which naming of schools or portions of schools and school sites may occur.

2. Policy:

2.1. Naming or renaming of schools, school colors, and mascots:

2.1.1.  Generally, students and parents who live, or will live, in the boundaries of a particular school are encouraged to submit recommendations and may be involved by the principal in proposing the name, mascot, and colors, of a particular school.  These recommendations shall be submitted to the Washington County School District Board of Education (Board).

2.1.2.  If one or more recommendations are submitted by the principal after consulting with students and parents, the recommendation must be submitted to the Board at least six months prior to the opening of the new school.

2.1.3.  The Board retains the final authority to approve the naming of schools, school colors, and mascots.

2.1.4.  Schools will not be named for individuals, and should receive "neutral" names if more than one community will be served in a particular school.

2.2.  Naming or renaming of a campus venue, room, hall, library, field or portions of schools or grounds:

2.2.1.  While using a name of an individual or family is highly discouraged and should remain extremely rare, under conditions of extraordinary educational contribution to the students of the community being served by the school facility, portions of the school may be named after a family or individual.

2.2.2.  Naming after any school personnel must follow the retirement of that individual.

2.2.3.  Any plaque, signage, or acknowledgement must:

      • be non-intrusive,
      • enhance the functional, aesthetic, and educational value of the facility,
      • not exceed the approximate cost of $2500.00 paid for by donations, school funds, or the promoting group; to include the reasonable value of donated labor and materials.

2.2.4.  A proposal to name a campus venue, room, hall, library, field or portions of schools or grounds may be initiated by following the procedure as outlined in this Policy.

2.2.5.  The Board will consider complete proposals at their June board meeting only.  To be considered, proposals must be submitted to the Board at least three weeks prior to the posted June board meeting date.

2.3. The naming of a campus venue, room, hall, library, field or portions of schools or grounds may change or end at any time at the sole discretion of the Board.  No right, entitlement, benefit, or interest of any kind, now or in the future, is conveyed by the school or District to the heirs, individual, family, or any other assign, successor, or representative when a room, hall, field, or portion of a school is named after an individual or family.

3. Procedure:

3.1. Naming or renaming of a campus venue, room, hall, library, field, or portions of schools or grounds:

3.1.1. Requests from any individual, community member, employee, organization or group to name or rename portions of schools and/or school grounds shall be submitted to the principal of the school in writing.  If the proposed name distinguishes an individual or family name, the proposal shall include a biographical summary of the person or family name to be honored, including the contributions to the educational program of the school or community.  The proposal shall include estimates for signage costs and future maintenance.  The proposal should also identify commitments for donations, outline applicable rationale for the naming, to include an outline of advantages, disadvantages, etc.  If petitions were obtained they should also be submitted with the proposal.

3.1.2.  The principal shall take the proposal to the School Community Council for consideration.

3.1.3.  The Community Council shall consider the proposal and the merits of the proposal.  The Community Council may seek additional information as necessary to demonstrate strong community support.  The Community Council shall vote to recommend or not recommend the proposal to the School Board.  The Community Council shall submit the proposal and the council's recommendation to the Board, in writing, for consideration at the annual June board meeting.

3.1.4.  The School Board, at its discretion, may convene an ad hoc committee for the purpose of gathering additional information and for the purpose of making a final recommendation.  An ad hoc committee shall consist of:

      • up to two board members,
      • the Superintendent of Schools,
      • the assistant superintendent over the administration of the school,
      • a PTA member of the school,
      • a teacher of the school,
      • a student leader of the school, and
      • a community council representative of the school.

The ad hoc committee shall consider the merits of the proposal, the costs, and provide a final recommendation to the School Board.  The ad hoc committee may recommend support, nonsupport, or return the proposal to the Community Council for additional information.

3.1.5.  The School Board shall discuss the final recommendation and vote to approve or disapprove the proposal at its regularly scheduled board meeting.


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