District Policy Washington County School District Logo


5120 - Maintenance and Operation of Physical Facilities

 Buildings, Grounds, Equipment Washington County School District - Adopted 3-12-96; approved 9-12-06

1. Purpose:

The purpose of this policy is for the District Board of Education to identify improvements needed in the schools; to establish priorities for improvements and funding, and to establish a means whereby requests for improvements in the schools can be properly channeled through the administration of each school, and made a part of an overall District program

2. Policy:

The general management of physical facilities shall be charged to the Superintendent as the Board's executive officer. Principals have delegated authority for the custodianship of facilities assigned to their respective administration and are accountable to the Superintendent for the same.

3. Procedure:

3.1. Principal's Responsibilities for School Facilities

The principal of a school is held responsible for the entire school plant and all equipment, furniture, books, and supplies within his/her school plant, as well as the site and playground equipment. He/she may delegate certain responsibilities to his/her staff members who are held responsible to the principal. All damages or loss of facilities or misuse of the same by pupils or the public, should be reported immediately to the principal, who in turn will report such items of major concern to the Superintendent.

3.2. Alterations, Repairs, or Additions to Buildings, Equipment, and School Properties

No major alterations, additions, or repairs shall be made by anyone to any school equipment or property, unless a requisition covering the same has been presented to the Superintendent and the recommendation is approved by the Board of Education.   Any Eagle Scout projects, PTA, and booster club projects, or any voluntary construction projects that include cash and labor donations will be approved by the Director of Physical Facilities or designee.

3.2.1. Approval process includes:  Application (see Form 1105) and a complete detailed drawing proposal presented by the party and submitted to principal. Upon approval,  Submit to Assistant Superintendent.  Upon approval,  Final approval is given by the Director of Physical Facilities or designee.

3.2.2. The Maintenance Department will inspect the completed project.  The school will be responsible for any additional repairs and changes needed to bring the project to specific code requirements and any safety repairs. The Director of  Physical Facilities or designee has the authority to "Red Tag" any project that appears unsafe or is damaged.

3.3. Buildings, Grounds and Equipment Improvement - Approved 10-9-84

3.3.1. Step I-Establish Individual School Priority Lists: Annually between December 1 and February 1, an assessment of the buildings, grounds and equipment needs of each school in the District and the District level (for needs not specifically identifiable with a school) is to be made. The principal in each school is to see that meaningful input is given by the certified and classified employees of the school, as well as the parent-teacher association. NOTE: Input from District studies, etc., should also be considered. Based upon the above-mentioned input, a school level committee is to be formed by the principal, with representation from each of the input groups. This committee is to then establish three separate school level priority lists (1-Buildings; 2-Grounds; 3-Equipment), using three separate District planning forms (see page 7-7). This planning process is to include any cost sharing (50% from District funds), planned by special interest groups such as civic clubs, PTA, Booster's Clubs, private individuals, etc. The above-mentioned priority lists are to be submitted to the District Superintendent on or before February 1. The District Superintendent, with input from individual School Board Members and District staff, is to arrive at a District level priority list of items.

3.3.2. Step II-Presentation To Priority Review Committee: Annually, between February 1 and February 15, the District Superintendent is to organize a District review committee, consisting of individual School Board Members and District staff. The Review Committee members are to be given copies of the written priority lists to study prior to the meeting. This committee will convene and hear a 15-20 minute oral priority justification presentation from each school principal (Superintendent will present District needs also). After the above steps are taken, the committee is to then draft a recommended overall District priority list -- to be accomplished before March 1.

3.3.3. Step III-School Board Review and Decision: During the regular March School Board Meeting, the recommended priority list will be presented to the Board of Education. The final decision on the approved priorities to be funded for the next budget year (beginning July 1) will be made by the School Board. Once this is done, the District budget is to be established to bring the completion of the priorities to fruition.

3.4. Keys to the buildings: (See Policy 5100 Key Management)

3.5. Supervision of Students in Buildings- Approved 8-79 (Revised 9-9-80)

3.5.1. The school is responsible for supervision of all students while school is in session. School doors are to be open during regular teacher hours (45 minutes prior to the beginning of school and 30 minutes after school dismissal). Teachers should not lock students out of the classroom during this time. 

3.5.2. The school must supervise students who arrive at school on the regularly scheduled school buses, prior to the time that school begins and supervise the bus loading of students at the close of the school day.

3.5.3. Bus students are encouraged to utilize the school instructional media center on cold days while waiting for their classrooms to open.

3.5.4. All students who do not ride the bus are encouraged to arrive at school no earlier than 15 minutes before regular class work begins and leave for home immediately after school dismissal, unless students are involved in school activities or need special assistance from the teacher or administrator.

3.6. Energy Conservation:

3.6.1. All school employees are asked to practice wise and efficient use of energy. Our nation faces a difficult energy future. The effort of every citizen will be required in the months and years ahead. As educators, we can initiate learning experiences and practice energy conservation that will help students understand and work toward solving the energy problems. 

3.6.2. Things To Do: Learn and practice energy conservation habits. Develop positive attitudes toward energy conservation. Understand the importance of energy in our lives.

3.6.3. Ways To Conserve Energy: When leaving the room, turn off lights, close windows, doors, etc. Eliminate unnecessary lighting by using only the lighting that is needed; sections of halls, rooms, etc. Watch for and control areas that can conserve energy; open doors, windows, etc. Keep thermostats regulated at proper room temperatures. (Generally these are set and controlled by custodians.) Become efficient in eliminating waste to save money and reduce the demand on scarce resources.

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