District Policy Washington County School District Logo


5200 - Community Use of Facilities including Buildings and Grounds

 Buildings, Grounds, Equipment Washington County School District - Adopted 8-79; Revised 9-80 (Ref. 53-21-4 and 5); Revised 5-13-14

(Utah Code §53A-3-413 et seq and §20A-8-404)

1. Purpose:

The Washington County School District Board of Education believes that school facilities are owned by the public and should therefore be made available for any and all public uses of an educational, cultural, recreational or community well being nature whenever such an event(s) does not interfere with the regular school program or school activities.

2. Policy:

2.1.  Public school grounds and buildings are deemed to be "civic centers" and may be used subject to the requirements and restrictions set forth herein.

2.2.  Principals or designees are responsible for facility use.  Facility supervision is required in all cases.  Responsible adult leadership (age 21 and over) must always be provided by the group using the facility.

2.3.  The District retains the right to refuse or teminate facility usage if use is disruptive to school operations, counter to District policies, damaging to District property, discriminatory under federal or state laws, demeaning or degrading to District employees or other persons, or otherwise inappropriate for District facility use.

3. Procedure:

3.1.  Applications, payment and proof of insurance must be completed and submitted to the principal or designee 14 days (two weeks) prior to the activity or event.  A renter may schedule multiple day events or multiple activities throughout the year based on availability.  The school or District reserves the right to determine availability.  The school or District may deny applications or cancel rentals if the activity interferes with a school function or purpose. (Utah Code 53A-3-414)  School administrators (principals or designee) do not have the authority, ability, or approval to negotiate any rates different from those approved by the Board.

3.2.  Rentals on non school days, i.e. Saturdays, Sundays and major holidays will incur a facility impact fee of $25 per hour not to exceed $125 a day.

3.3.  Refunds may include a 10% fee for the time required to coordinate and process the rental request and the refund.  Refunds may be transferred to another rental within the same year, up to the time of the rental.  Fees are not transferable to another school year.  Rental "no shows" are not eligible for refunds.

3.4.  No key will be issued to rental groups.  An administrator, custodian or school employee must open the buildings and/or rooms.

3.5.  The following categories correspond to the Rental Fee Schedule and represent the order of priority the school/District will use when considering rental applications.

3.5.1.  Category 1 - District or school sponsored events or activities.  These activities include, but are not limited to the following:  District or school sponsored staff and student groups.  School or student approved clubs.  District or school sponsored athletic teams.  District or school approved camp/clinics.  District or school approved fundraisers.  Activities, events, inservice, training and programs sponsored by the Washington County School District.  Activities and programs sponsored by the Washington County Education Foundation.  Official school class reunions.  School PTSA/PTSO sponsored functions.  Activities and programs sponsored by Washington County Community Education program.

3.5.2.  Category 2 - Interlocal Agreement use (MOU): This applies to cities, county, state or other governmental entities desiring to use school facilities.  Terms, conditions, stipulations and fees are set forth in a written agreement between the School District and government entity.

3.5.3.  Political Parties.  The District shall make all meeting facilities available in buildings under its control to registered political parties, without discrimination to be used for political party activities, subject to the terms and conditions outlined in Utah Code Ann. 20A-8-404.  (see footnote below**)

3.5.4.  Category 3 - Non-Profit or Non-Commercial  Organizations renting facilities under this category must provide evidence of non-profit status (501(c)(3)) and the official address of the organization.

3.5.5.  Category 4 - Commercial - Rentals used to gain profit or generate income are deemed to be commercial.

3.6.  Use of auditoriums require authorized light, sound and other technicians to be assigned and additional hourly wages will be charged.  (See fee schedule for current rates)

3.7.  Payment of Personnel - District personnel who provide approved services or supervision outside regular work hours shall be paid through the District Payroll Department.  Custodial staff will be paid on time and attendance.  Exempt employees will be paid through District Payroll Department.  Cost for supervision or other personnel can be negotiated separately with interlocal agreeements and Community Education programs.

3.8.  All school facilities close at 11:00 p.m. and all grounds close at 10:00 p.m.

3.9.  The District Food Service Coordinator must approve all kitchen facility rentals.

3.10.  School equipment will NOT be available for rental.  (i.e. overhead projectors, VCR/DVD players, etc.)

3.11.  Schools will be reimbursed eighty percent (80%) of all rental income.  The District will retain twenty percent (20%) to cover utility expenses.


**20A-8-404.   Use of public meeting buildings by political parties.  (1) The legislative body of a county, municipality, or school district shall make all meeting facilities in buildings under its control available to registered political parties, without discrimination, to be used for political party activities if: (a) the political party requests the use of the meeting facility at least 30 calendar days before the day on which the use by the political party will take place; and (b) the meeting facility is not already scheduled for another purpose at the time of the proposed use. (2) Subject to the requirements of Subsection (3), when a legislative body makes a meeting facility available under Subsection (1), it may establish terms and conditions for use of that meeting facility. (3) The charge imposed for the use of a meeting facility described in Subsection (1) by a registered political party may not exceed the actual cost of: (a) custodial services for cleaning the meeting facility after the use by the political party; and (b) any service requested by the political party and provided by the meeting facility. (4) An entity described in Subsection (1) shall, to the extent possible, avoid scheduling an event in a government building for the same evening as an announced party caucus meeting. (5) This section does not apply to a publicly owned or operated convention center, sports arena, or other facility at which conventions, conferences, and other gatherings are held and whose primary business or function is to host such conventions, conferences, and other gatherings.



Request for Use of School Facilities Agreement

Request for Use of School Facilities Rental Application

Facility Rental Fees


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