District Policy Washington County School District Logo


4225 - Educational Equity

 Washington County School District - Approved 8-10-2021

1.  Purpose

Washington County School District is committed to providing educational equality and access to learning for every student.

2.  Policy

We will ensure that all students are supported with resources and provided with safe environments for learning in every school.  We oppose the academic ideas considered to be critical race theory and we support the Utah State Board of Education's resolution denouncing racism and embracing equity.  We will cultivate safe and respectful learning and working environments for all students and employees as outlined in Utah Administrative Rule R277-328.

3.  Procedure

3.1.  No teacher or staff member shall direct or otherwise compel students to personally affirm, adopt, or adhere to any of the following tenets:

3.1.1.  That any sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, or national origin is inherently superior or inferior;

3.1.2.  That individuals should be adversely treated on the basis of their sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, or national origin; or

3.1.3.  That individuals, by virtue of sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, or national origin, are inherently responsible for actions committed in the past by other members of the same sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, or national origin.

3.2.  No distinction or classification of students shall be made on account of race or color.

3.3.  No course of instruction or unit of study directing or otherwise compelling students to personally affirm, adopt, or adhere to any of the tenets identified in paragraph 3.1 of this subsection shall be used for instruction.

3.4.  Nothing in this policy should be construed to prohibit the required collection or reporting of demographic data.

3.5.  Failure to comply with the provisions of this policy may result in disciplinary action or dismissal pursuant to District Policy 1450.

3.6.  References:

•  Utah Administrative Rule R277-328

•  Utah Code § 53G-11-303, Utah Professional Learning Standards

PROCEDURE v2025.03.19 | Developed for Washington County School District | © 2025 WCSD | Feedback