District Policy Washington County School District Logo


4510 - Work-based Learning Programs

 Students Washington County School District - Adopted 6-9-98

1. Purpose

The Washington County School District supports work-based learning programs for all students. This policy and identified procedures have been developed to promote consistent practices throughout the district, to address the requirements defined in the laws while providing meaningful career-related experiences to students in safe learning environments.

Work-based learning is an effort to make lifelong career development more meaningful and natural by linking the school site and the work site. In cooperation with students, parents, business/industry, and community, these experiences support: 1) real-world connections to academic and applied courses taught in the school setting, 2) preparation for the world of work, and 3) development of life skills needed for success at work, home, and community.

2. Policy:

2.1. Washington County School District recognizes the responsibility associated with placing students in work and community environments outside the school setting. We support:

2.1.1. Clear and consistent practices across all business/industry and community sites throughout the district. 

2.1.2. Uniform safety procedures for all work-based learning (WBL) experiences.

2.1.3. Consistency in forms and procedures used in implementing WBL experiences.

2.2. The Washington County School District is committed to a program that will actively engage parents and families in a partnership which supports the academic work and life skill development of children at home and shared educational decision making at school. The district utilizes a Student Education Plan (SEP) and Student Education/Occupation Plan (SEOP) mandated in Utah State Code 53A-1a-106 as one means for developing and implementing such a partnership. For students with disabilities an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) may also be used for this purpose.

2.3. Authority/References:

2.3.1. Utah Code 53A-1a-106, Senate Bill 28, Board of Education Article X Section 3, and Board of Education Rule 277-915, Work-Based Learning for Interns 

2.3.2. All work-based experiences shall be consistent with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, Part 520, 29 C. F. R. and Administrative Letter Rulings: Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division (pp. 226 and 228, July 1996).

3. Procedure: 4510-3

3.1. Work-Based Learning Guidelines

3.1.1. Work-based experiences may be provided through a cooperating employer in the public sector, private sector, through service learning or school-based enterprises. 

3.1.2. Work-based learning may be paid or unpaid. Unpaid experiences will follow guidelines outlined in the document, "Child Labor Requirements in Nonagricultural Occupations under the Fair Labor Standards Act, US Department of Labor, WH-1330, revised August 1990". According to the guidelines, an unpaid experience may not: displace a regular employee; fill a vacancy that would normally be filled by a new hire; be given exclusive duties that would normally be assigned to a regular employee; nor perform services that clearly bring profit to the business.

3.2. Adequate Insurance Coverage

3.2.1. For paid work employment, injuries to the student are covered by the employer's worker's compensation. 

3.2.2. For unpaid work experiences, injuries to the student at the work site are covered by the local educational agency's worker's compensation as specified in Utah Code 53A-28-101.

3.2.3. Health insurance is the responsibility of the student/student guardian unless otherwise provided by the paid students' employer.

3.3. Transportation Options

3.3.1. The student's parent or guardian has sole responsibility for providing the student transportation to and from work-based learning experiences. However, Washington County School District may provide transportation when it is economically feasible and justified. 

3.3.2. Use of private vehicles to transport students for special purposes and activities is permitted, but subject to the following limitations: The activity to which the students are being transported must be approved by the principal and sponsored by the school or the district. The driver must have a valid driver's license and, inasmuch as the owner of an automobile is required by state law to provide liability insurance on the automobile, such coverage must be in force. Parents of the students being transported must have prior knowledge of and give consent to this mode of transportation. Approved permission and verification forms must be completed for each activity in which a private car is used. Every student being transported must have and must use a seat belt. The driver/owner (student/parent) of the vehicle is not an agent of the District. School/district personnel and volunteers should avoid transporting a student alone in a vehicle. However, if school/district personnel do transport students in their personal vehicle, they must carry adequate insurance. In the event of an accident, their own insurance is primary and after the limits are exhausted the districts carrier will provide supplemental insurance coverage.

3.4. District Training Responsibility

Washington County School District is responsible for ensuring training is provided to school supervisors, administrators, counselors, teachers and other individuals whose positions relate to work-based learning experiences. Training must include:

3.4.1. Information regarding health hazards and safety procedures in the workplace;3.4.2. Policy and procedures concerning work-based learning.

3.5. Credit:

Students participating in work-based learning experiences will be awarded credit based on the following:

3.5.1. The student may earn .25 credit per term (.5 credit/semester) for each period of school-based learning (classroom instruction) successfully completed. 

3.5.2. The student may earn .25 credit per term (.5 credit/semester) for each period of work-based learning (job shadowing, internship, cooperative work experience, or apprenticeship) successfully completed.

3.5.3. In order to receive credit for either classroom or work-site assignments, the student must successfully complete all requirements for both school-based and work-based components. Specifically, if the student does not complete all classroom work at a passing grade and all employer requirements (e.g., attendance, tasks, etc.), the student will be denied credit for both school-based and work-based components.

3.5.4. Cooperative work experience credit is on a pass/fail basis or a letter grade.

3.5.5. Work-based learning experiences (e.g., internships, clinicals, apprenticeships) may be given letter grade credit. A joint grade must be determined by the employer and school-site supervisor.

3.6. Parent Involvement

3.6.1. The SEOP and/or IEP, at the secondary school level, shall be used as an indicator of both student interest in, and eligibility for appropriateness/participation in work-based or service-based learning experiences. The SEOP and/or IEP will facilitate linking of student interests to meaningful work-based opportunities.

 3.6.2. The parent/guardian will be an active part of the students work-based learning experiences by: Approving and supporting the student's participation in the work-based learning experience; Providing or arranging for transportation; Accepting responsibility and liability for the student as outlined in the work site agreement; and Verifying student insurance coverage.

3.7. Student Enrollment And Involvement In Work-Based Learning Programs

3.7.1. Students must meet the following requirements for participation in a work-based learning off-campus program at a secondary level unless otherwise noted. Maintain a high level of attendance and performance at both the school and the work site; Maintain a passing grade in the class(es) required for the work-based experience; Consult the program coordinator, supervising teacher, and/or employer concerning problems at the work site. Be at the work site according to the work-based learning experience agreement. Show honesty, punctuality, a cooperative attitude, proper grooming and dress, and a willingness to learn. Conform to the rules, regulations and safety standards of the training site, and maintain confidentiality. Complete required assignments and furnish necessary information, reports, and time sheets. Attend meetings related to the work-based experience. Be properly insured. Inform parents(s) or guardian(s) of any changes in the work-based learning agreement.

3.7.2. Documentation must be completed and on file at the school prior to participation in a work- based learning experience. The following table identifies required forms for each activity:

Required Forms

  Student Application Student Commitment Form Work-site Agreement Release Form Time Sheet Student Evaluation Specific Training Program Application Apprenticeship Agreement
Field Trips       X        
Service Learning       X        
Job Shadowing       X        
Career Seminars (Off campus)       X        
Cooperative Work Experience X X X X X X    
Internships (paid/unpaid) X X X X X X    
Clinicals       X        
Apprenticeships X X X X X X X X


Student Application

Student Commitment Form

Work Site Agreement

Release Form

Time Sheet

Student Evaluation

Specific Training Program Application

Apprenticeship Agreement

Field Trips


Service Learning


Job Shadowing


Career Seminars (off campus)


Cooperative Work Experience







Internships (paid/unpaid)


















3.8. Supervision, Training, And Evaluation By Employers

3.8.1. Supervision: All cooperating employers shall provide appropriate adult supervision for students working at an off-campus work site as part of their work-based learning experience. In the case of hazardous occupations, the employer or organization shall provide "careful supervision," defined as "training safeguards and supervision reasonably necessary in light of a student's current level of preparation and experience relative to a given task considered hazardous." 

3.8.2. Training: The cooperating employer shall provide training, including safety, with varied experiences which will contribute to the education of the student.

3.8.3. Evaluation: The cooperating employer shall complete an evaluation, provided by coordinating school personnel, of the student on a regular basis. Evaluation must include: Sharing the evaluation with the student; Communicating with the work-based supervisor on an ongoing basis regarding student progress and/or problems; Verifying attendance and performance of the student; and Working with school personnel in development of a training plan that supports ongoing student growth.

3.9. Supervision, Training, And Evaluation By School Personnel

3.9.1. Supervision: The school-site supervisor will: Approve the cooperating employer and work site including verification of adherence to state and federal safety laws and school requirements; Visit and assist the employer in establishing an appropriate training program; Serve as coordinator to all parties involved in the work-based learning agreement; Ensure grades and credit are issued; Monitor completion of written work and forms; Conduct training-site visits and/or work-site contacts.

3.9.2. Training: The school-site supervisor will: Coordinate related training; Verify that the student has received appropriate safety training;

3.9.3. Evaluation: The school-site supervisor will: Coordinate with the employer on the evaluation of the student; Coordinate with the student to complete a self-evaluation.

List of Forms to Download:

Form 933 - Student Application Form

Form 934 - Student Committment

Form 935 - Work Site Agreement

Form 936 - Release Form

Form 937 - Transportation

Form 938 - Time Sheet

Form 942 - Student Evaluation

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