District Policy Washington County School District Logo


4800 - Promotion, Retention, and Acceleration Policy, Grades K-12

 Graduation, Curriculum, Instruction Washington County School District - Adopted 10-8-96; Revised 9-12-23

1. Purpose:

To provide an orderly means to implement approved curriculum and evaluate students for promotion, retention, or acceleration.

2. Policy:

2.1. It is the policy of the Washington County School District that:

2.1.1. Entry into Washington County District schools shall be determined by chronological age.  Children who are five (5) years of age before September 2nd of a given school year, will be enrolled in kindergarten. In unusual circumstances, where deemed justified by the involved teachers, principal, parents, and School District Office, an advanced placement of a child may be made to exclude kindergarten.  Such action may be taken, however, only after the school has had adequate time to assess the student's social, emotional, and physical well-being and academic performance levels. Children who have not completed an accredited kindergarten program may enroll in first grade provided they have reached the age of six (6) before the 2nd day of September.

2.1.2. Students in grades K-8 shall master the core curriculum objectives for each grade level as described in Utah Administrative Code R277-700.

2.1.3. Students in grades 9-12 shall fulfill requirements as described in WCSD Graduation Policy 4100.

3. Procedure:

3.1. Core Curriculum Mastery for Grades K-8

3.1.1. Teachers shall evaluate each student's mastery of the competencies each year before the student is promoted to the next grade. If the objectives are not achieved at a satisfactory level, a conference may be convened with a student, parent(s), and teacher(s) to consider whether the student should be: Retained; Given remedial instruction and re-evaluated; or Sent to the next grade without mastery. If the objectives are achieved, consider whether the student should be: Moved to the next grade; or Accelerated.

3.2. Placement Exception Related to Students With Disabilities

3.2.1. Students with disabilities shall demonstrate mastery of the core curriculum and foundation skills. In the event that a student's disability precludes the successful demonstration of mastery, the IEP team, on a case-by-case basis, may exempt the student or modify the mastery demonstration to accommodate the student's disability.

3.3. Retention

3.3.1. Whole grade retention shall be considered in grades K-8.  Alternative forms of support shall be considered for grades 9-12.

3.3.2. When considering whole grade retention, the principal shall form a team consisting of the principal, parents, teacher(s), and assigned District personnel.

3.3.3. The team shall evaluate the need for such action and the student's learning ability, age, maturity, academic skills, special education needs, self-confidence and self-concept, grade level, physical maturity, behavior, and other pertinent factors relating to the overall well-being of the student. The team shall render a decision of whether or not to proceed with retention after evaluating all of these criteria. The appropriate District form for retention shall be signed and maintained in the student's cumulative file.

3.3.4. Retention for grades 9-12 is not permitted.  Alternative forms of support shall be considered for grades 9-12. If a senior student does not graduate with their graduating class, the student will have until September 30th of that year to complete the required credits in order to receive a diploma from the school he/she attended.  If a student completes the necessary requirements to receive a diploma after September 30th and before the next graduating cohort date, they may receive a Washington County School District diploma. School counselors will work closely with seniors who were unable to complete graduation requirements by the graduation date to establish an individualized plan that will best assist the student to receive the needed credits to achieve their graduation status prior to the September 30th deadline.  An individualized plan may include:

• Credit recovery

• Online coursework

• Millcreek alternative school supports

• Southwest Adult High School placements

• Post High for students who qualify within the Special Education Program.

The option to repeat a senior year within the boundary or traditional school is not an option for students in the Washington County School District.

3.4. Acceleration

3.4.1. Whole grade acceleration shall be considered in grades K-7.  Alternative forms of enhancement should be considered for grades 8-12.  If accelerated placement is recommended, the teacher shall notify the principal.

3.4.2. When considering whole grade acceleration, the principal shall form a team consisting of the principal, parents, teacher(s), and assigned District personnel.

3.4.3. The team shall evaluate the need for such action and the student's learning ability, age, maturity, academic skills, disability needs, self-confidence and self-concept, grade level, physical size, behavior, and other pertinent factors relating to the overall well-being of the student. Assure that the student attended an accredited school environment during the immediately preceding school year. If not, render a decision of whether or not to proceed with acceleration after evaluating all of the criteria listed in 3.4.3. The appropriate District form for acceleration shall be signed and maintained in the student's cumulative file.

3.4.4. If a student is placed in an unaccredited school at a grade level higher than normal age placement in public school, upon re-entry to public school the student will be considered for placement by following the rules and regulations for an accelerated request.

3.4.5. Whole grade acceleration for grades 8-12 is not permitted.  After a student has begun their 8th grade year, whole grade acceleration is no longer a viable option.  Academic acceleration and enrichment is attainable through curriculum compacting, early graduation, and other academic enhancements.


Form 911 - Student Retention

Form 955 - Student Acceleration

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