District Policy Washington County School District Logo


9100 - Adult Education and High School Completion

 Special Programs Washington County School District-Revised 9-12-00; Approved 9-12-06; Approved 9-8-09; Approved 1-14-14; Revised 11-8-16; Revised 5-9-23; Revised 8-12-24

1. Purpose:

1.1. The compulsory age for students attending K-12 public education programs is 18 or the student's class has graduated.  The purpose of "Adult Education" programs is to provide educational opportunities to adults and out-of-school youth who have not graduated. (Board Rule R277-733-1-B, K)  This is further clarified in Board Rule R277-733-6-C: "an out-of-school youth (minimum age of 16) who has not graduated from high school, may with parental/guardian written approval (if applicable) and school district administrative written approval, enroll in an adult education program."

1.2. "Adult Education" means organized public educational programs, other than regular full-time and summer elementary and secondary schools/programs/courses, provided by school districts or nonprofit organizations affording opportunities for out-of-school youth and adults who have not graduated from high school, to improve their literacy levels and to further their high school level education." Board Rule R277-733-1-B.

1.3. Another purpose of this policy is to describe the standards and procedures for obtaining a Utah High School Completion Diploma as a result of successfully passing the General Educational Development (GED) Test.  (Board Rule R277-702, effective on July 1, 2009)

2. Policy:

2.1.  Eligibility to participate in "Adult Education" program

To be eligible for participation in an adult education program, Utah residents shall be:

1)  an individual 17 years of age or older whose high school class/cohort has graduated; or

2)  an individual emancipated under Section 78-3a-1005; or

3)  an individual emancipated by marriage; or

4)  an individual who is at least 16 years of age who has not graduated from high school and who is no longer enrolled in a K-12 program of instruction; or

5)  is a student 16 to 19 years of age whose class has not graduated and who is attending adult education classes as an alternative to a traditional public education program; and

6)  an individual who is otherwise eligible who can provide authorized documentation as approved by the adult education program to establish Utah residency.

7)  an "out-of school" youth between the ages of 16 and 22 who has a special education IEP and has not graduated with a K-12 diploma, a completion diploma, or adult education secondary diploma are entitled to special education services provided through the local school district special education department

8)  an individual between the ages of 16-22 who has a special education IEP and has not graduated with a K-12 diploma may concurrently enroll in an adult education program based upon the determination of the IEP team as to where services can best be provided.  The student must meet all educational outcomes as required by the IEP and the local school district, including standardized assessment outcomes, in order to earn a K-12 diploma.  The concurrently enrolled special education student may receive a traditional secondary diploma from adult education at the discretion of the school board.

9)  an individual between the ages of 16-18 whose class has not graduated and who is currently enrolled in a K-12 program can  concurrently enroll in an adult education program.

10) An individual between the ages of 16 and 18 who meet one of the following criteria:

     • Is basic skills deficient;

     • Does not have a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, and has not achieved an equivalent level of education; or

     • Is an English learner.

2.2.  Eligibility for admission to take the GED Exam and earning a "Utah High School Completion Diploma"

       Admission to a GED Test requires the following:

1)  That the applicant be at least 16 years of age and is not enrolled in any Utah K-12 school that issues high school credits or diplomas or both;

2)  If the applicant is age 16, the GED Testing Center requires the following from the applicant:

A state of Utah HSE Candidate and Adult Education Eligibility Form available from public schools.

•  completed by the school district, charter school, or special purpose school not associated with a school district, stating that the applicant is not enrolled in a school, and the applicant understands and accepts the consequences and educational choices associated with the withdrawal from a K-12 program of instruction, including the prohibition from returning to a K-12 program anywhere in Utah upon successful passing of all sections of the GED; and

•  signed by representatives from a state-sponsored Adult Education Program stating that the applicant demonstrates academic competencies to meet with success in passing the GED Tests; and

•  signed by the applicant's parent/guardian specifically stating that the applicant and parent/guardian understand and accept the consequences and educational choices associated with the applicant's decision to withdraw from a K-12 program of instruction, and authorizing the GED Tests; or

•  a marriage certificate in lieu of the parent/guardian signature if the applicant is married.

3)    If the applicant is 17 or 18 years of age and the applicant's graduating class has not graduated, the GED Testing Center requires a state of Utah HSE Candidate and Adult Education Eligibility Form.

•  This application must be completed by the school district, charter school, or special purpose school not associated with a school district, stating the applicant is not enrolled in school; and

•  signed by the applicant's parent/guardian authorizing the test; or

•  a marriage certificate in lieu of the parent/guardian signature if the applicant is married

2.3.  An out-of-school youth of school age who has successfully passed all sections of the GED Test and received a Utah High School completion Diploma shall be reported as an other completer for K-12 graduation Annual Yearly Progress outcomes.

2.4.  Individuals, as required by an employer or higher education to provide academic competency, who cannot offer proof of high school completion may, upon approval of the USOE GED administrator, take the GED Tests.

2.5.  Individuals who have previously passed GED Tests but are seeking higher GED Test scores for specific post-secondary institution admission may retake the GED Test.

2.6.  Up to five units of credit based upon test results may be applied toward an adult high school diploma only if the student was enrolled in an Adult Education Program prior to July 1, 2009 and the GED was transcripted prior to July 1, 2009.

2.7.  Individuals enrolled in an adult education program any time during the 2008-2009 program year may apply credits for successfully passing the GED Tests toward an Adult Education Secondary Diploma.

2.8.  Individuals who have taken and passed the GED Tests prior to January 1, 2009 may enroll in an adult education program now and in the future to obtain an Adult Education Secondary Diploma upon completion of graduation requirements as defined in Rule 277-733 but may not apply for a previously issued GED Tests Certificate to be converted to a Utah High School Completion Diploma.

2.9.  Individuals who have taken and passed the GED Tests in the state of Utah between the dates of January 1, 2002 and June 30, 2009 may apply after July 1, 2009 for a Utah High School Completion Diploma to replace the originally issued GED Test Certificate from USOE or they may enroll in an adult education program to complete the necessary requirements for an Adult Education Secondary Diploma.

Summary of Changes effective July 1, 2009

•  Any person passing the GED Tests will be issued a Utah High School Completion Diploma

•  Transcripted credits toward any high school diploma for passing the GED Tests cease June 30, 2009

•  The age of eligibility to take GED Tests, formerly 17, is now 16.  If the applicant's high school graduating class has graduated, the applicant must be at least 17 years of age.

•  Permission for GED testing applicants to show GED testing examiners they are eligible to test are through (a) school district notification of the student's formal withdrawal and (b) parental/guardian permission by completion of the HSE Candidate and Adult Education Eligibility Form.

3. Procedure:

3.1.  Enrollment in "Adult Education" program.

3.1.1.  Before enrollment in the Adult Education program at Southwest High School, an individual must:

•  Complete the withdrawal process through the counseling department at their local high school. An HSE Candidate and Adult Education Eligibility Form must be reviewed with school personnel and signed by the applicant, the school counselor, the school principal and the parent/guardian.

3.1.2.  At the time of enrollment in the Adult Education program at Southwest High School, an eligible individual must:

•  Provide a complete withdrawal and application form

•  Provide documentation of Utah residency

•  Provide SSID number

•  Provide a recent transcript if seeking a K-12 diploma

3.1.3.  An eligible individual who enrolls in the Adult Education program at Southwest High School for the purpose of completing a high school diploma will:

1)  spend a minimum of 12 hours of clock time at Southwest High School;

2)  complete an intake and assessment process;

3)  meet competency requirements with a minimum completion of 24 credits under the direction of Utah licensed teachers at Southwest High School that includes Adult High School Core Courses as offered consistent with Utah Core objectives and complete all courses required for graduation by Washington County School District;

4)  complete 24 units of credits as required through satisfaction of a course of study by demonstrated course competency or school district approved competency examination; and/ or

5)  receive awarded adult education credit options including continuous professional employment training; and/ or

6)  documented achievement of a trade or skill, basic or advanced military training; and/or

7)  apprenticeship, union or registered work credentials; and/or

8)  transcripted college or university courses as they align to Core Instructional areas as required by Washington County School District;

9)  not be required to take or pass the UBSCT;

10)  receive a diploma from Southwest High School and will not be allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies at the high school of previous enrollment;

11)   Complete coursework for a high school diploma at Southwest High School after completing the withdrawal process from Washington County School District. 

3.1.4.  An out-of-school youth of school age who has received a diploma from Southwest High School or a Utah High School Completion Diploma is not eligible to return to a K-12 high school.  

3.1.5.  An out-of-school youth of high school age who has successfully completed a Southwest High School diploma or a Utah High School Completion Diploma shall be reported as a completer for K-12 graduation (AYP) outcomes.

3.1.6.  Adult Education Secondary Diploma graduation requirements may be changed, modified, or both, for students with documented disabilities through Individual Education Plans (IEPs) from age 16 up to their 22nd birthday or an adult education SEOP, or both, to meet unique educational needs.

3.1.7.  A student's IEP or adult education SEOP shall document the nature and extent of modifications, substitutions, or exemptions made to accommodate the student's disabilities and shall:

•    be consistent with the student's IEP or SEOP, or both;

•    be maintained in the student's files;

•    maintain the integrity and rigor expected for Southwest High School graduation completion;

3.1.8.  Southwest High School may charge a security deposit to use books and supplies in a distance learning program and a fee for graduation materials.

3.2.  Taking the GED and earning a Utah High School Completion Diploma

3.2.1.  Students must complete the process of withdrawal at their local cone site high school involving high school principals, counselors and Southwest High School to assure that potential applicants and parents/guardians are fully aware of the consequences of dropping out of school and pursuing GED testing.  For these applicants, GED Testing Centers require the completion of the authorization form, HSE Candidate and Adult Education Eligibility Form, which is to be obtained from the counselors in public high schools, districts, accredited charter schools or special purpose schools in Utah.

3.2.2.  When school is not in session, students should call their local cone site high school to schedule an appointment to complete the withdrawal process.

3.2.3.  In the authorization for GED testing, the following information must be discussed and acknowledged by examinees and parents/guardians:

•   that counseling has been provided with the applicant, explaining the major consequences of the applicant's education choices;

•   that the applicant is formally withdrawn from K-12 instruction; and

•   the applicant has permission from parents/guardians to take the tests (or presents his/her marriage certificate in lieu of parental/guardian permission).

3.2.4.  All 16-year-old individuals seeking admission to a GED Testing Center must first access a Utah state-sponsored adult education program for verification that the applicant has the academic readiness necessary to take the GED Tests.  Such verification by an adult education program is not a guarantee that the applicant will pass the tests.

3.2.5.  A GED Testing applicant who fails to pass any or all of the GED Tests may enter or continue receiving academic instruction at Southwest High School for GED Test preparation or high school diploma completion.

3.2.6.  It is the responsibility of the GED Testing applicant to complete the HSE Candidate and Adult Education Eligibility Form and to obtain all other signatures before going to the GED Testing Center at Utah Tech University.

3.2.7.  Home school students or students who have not been enrolled in a K-12 program must complete all sections as listed above.

3.2.8.  A GED Test applicant must establish a presence in Utah's GED Testing database, and must register at www.GED.com.

3.2.9.  To register and to pay for GED testing, an applicant must be registered with and pay fees online at www.GED.com.

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