District Policy Washington County School District Logo


9850 - Year-Round School

 Special Programs Washington County School District

1. Purpose:

1.1. Year-round education is a concept that has been put into practice, in one form or another, in several hundred schools throughout the United States. It has typically been utilized in order to maximize the best use of school facilities. Research indicates that carefully implemented year-round school can be an effective means of accommodating increased student enrollment without additional construction. The system may make it possible for some educators to become employed year-round through the framework of extended teacher's services. 

1.2. At the present time, year-round education has not been shown either to enhance or to reduce academic achievement, although it customarily brings about changes in instructional practice.

1.3. Year-round education, when the unique advantages are utilized, seems to be well accepted by students, families, teachers and administrators who have participated in it. Although, it is regarded with some uneasiness by those with limited experience with it.

1.4. Based upon the study and research of the year-round education committees, it was found that the 45-15 plan was the most popular plan being used in the United States today. It is realized by the committee that each local School District needs to develop a plan to best suit its needs.

1.5. In reviewing projected enrollment growth patterns in the District, it was the committee's consensus that the greatest need for buildings and classroom space is going to be grades K-6 during the next 7- to 10-year period. Therefore, it was the committee's recommendation to adopt a modified 45-15 four-track plan as the basis for developing the district's year-round education guidelines. It is believed that this plan will allow families to have common times throughout the year when they can have all of their children available for one-to three-week vacations. Year-round education is not presently recommended for secondary schools because of the complications in scheduling, activities, and funding etc.

2. Policy:

3. Procedure:

3.1. Some of the factors that influenced the committee to favor year-round education were: 

3.1.1. Teacher and student attendance seem to improve, subsequently reducing substitute teacher days. 

3.1.2. Even though there appears to be no significant difference in student achievement, according to the nationwide research, there are several indicators that student retention is improved through the year-round plan.

3.1.3. According to a recent cost analysis in the Provo, Utah and Oxnard School District in California, per pupil operational costs are less under the 45-15 four-track system. (This would not necessarily be the case here due to increased costs for air conditioning. Oxnard does not have this problem.)

3.1.4. Recently, there have been schools in several areas throughout the U.S. that have adopted the year-round education plan strictly for educational reasons and not because of student classroom space problems.

3.1.5. Attitude surveys have shown that teachers and students are more positive toward school as a result of relatively short calendar breaks throughout the year.

3.1.6. Under the year-round education plan, there is strong evidence showing a reduction in vandalism, dropouts, and wasted motion approaching holidays, school closing, etc.

3.1.7. Using the modified 45-15 plan, 33 percent more students can be educated in a building. This reduces the funds needed for building sites and construction in that, three schools on this plan can save the cost of constructing a fourth school building.

3.1.8. The extensive "gearing up" and "gearing down" time experienced in the traditional calendar is reduced under year-round education and teachers spend considerably less time re-teaching concepts that in the traditional nine-month school are forgotten over the summer.

3.1.9. Families will be able to request tracks to match time-off needs throughout the year. Families, friends and neighbors may be placed on the same or different schedules whenever possible.

3.1.10. During the intercession, (this is the three weeks between tracks) students may be allowed to participate in specialized classes, when available.

In developing year-round education guidelines, it is realized that refinement will be an on-going process involving parents, schools and the community.

4. Modified 45-15 Calendar

4.1. Some of the key elements of implementing the modified 45-15 plan are:

4.1.1. In this plan students are divided into four groups (tracks A, B, C, D), with one of the groups being on vacation at any given time -- typically nine weeks in school and three weeks vacation with the school calendar being designed on a year-round basis. 

4.1.2. The school will be in operation approximately 230 days per year with every eligible student to receive the state's hourly requirement for school instruction, or the equivalent of 180 days. (Extend 172 days by 16 minutes per day, which equates to 180 days.) The calendar may have approximately 10 shortened days per track for track changes. "Track off" is the term utilized when students and teachers are out of school. (This does not describe the common summer break for the entire school.)

4.1.3. The calendar is to be designed so that each track has 4 three-week vacations -- fall, winter, spring, and summer -- facilitating some family vacations during non-peak vacation times.

4.1.4. The calendar will be organized to allow two common times along with regular holidays throughout the year when all students K-12 are out of school to allow for family vacations.

4.1.5. It is recommended that two parent teacher conferences be held for each track during the year.

5. Organization:

The year-round education should be organized in accordance with the following criteria:

5.1. The year-round education calendar will not necessarily affect the entire School District, but will be implemented in designated areas on an as needed basis determined by the Board of Education. 

5.2. As a general rule, teachers and students are to be tracked together. In other words, the students assigned to a particular teacher are in school with their teacher and out of school when their teacher is on vacation.

5.3. When possible, tracking of students is to be done according to parental request.

5.4. As plans and calendars are developed, the school board should appoint a special ad hoc planning committee representative of the designated year- round school area. This committee should be composed of: parks and recreations officials, civic leaders, church leaders, PTA representatives, scouters, merchants, realtors, teachers, school principals, and School District administrators. This committee is for the purpose of making recommendations to the Board of Education within the established guidelines.

5.5. Where year-round education creates an extreme hardship on the family, the family will be given the option of enrolling their children in a traditional nine-month school, if one is available and there is room for the student(s). Parents will be responsible for providing their children's transportation to and from the conventional school or to the nearest established bus stop for designated schools.

6. Time Lines

6.1. The year-round education plan should be implemented in the School District as soon as the need is determined by the Board of Education. 

6.2. There should be at least six months lead time from the time the decision is made to move a designated area into year-from the decision to implement year-round education and the actual starting date. This time is needed to complete the necessary procedures outlined in the staff and public relations section of these guidelines.

6.3. Based upon the experience of other districts that have implemented year- round education, teachers and students start feeling very positive about it after their first three-week vacation. The amount of time it appears to take for the situation to "totally settle down" is from one year to 18 months. Therefore, all involved should expect a "settling-in" period as year-round schools are implemented.

7. District Administration:

There are certain adjustments and "re-tooling" for which the School District administration will need to prepare as year-round education is implemented in the District. These areas are:

7.1. Prepare for year-round service and school needs in the areas of: purchasing, warehouse functions, personnel, meetings, films, towels, etc. Time is of the essence and year-round schools cannot wait until things are done according to the traditional school calendar. 

7.2. Most support services such as testing, special education, speech and hearing, psychological, school nurse, transportation, school lunch, and administrative support, etc. should be available throughout the year.

7.3. The maintenance and upkeep of the buildings needs to be planned and done on a year-round basis. A District maintenance crew may be needed to facilitate an orderly cleanup and maintenance of school buildings & grounds.

7.4. More administrative and secretarial help is needed for year-round schools than schools operating on a traditional calendar.

7.5. In planning for future year-round buildings that could be used on a year- round basis, consideration should be given for buildings with classroom clusters with teacher offices and storage space. By using this design, teachers could move easier from one room to another.

7.6. Existing schools will need some additional storage provided for off-track teachers.

7.7. Cooling and heating systems for year-round facilities should receive top consideration in upgrading learning atmosphere during hotter and colder seasons.

8. School Administration

8.1. Principalship: The administration of year-round education should include the following items: 

8.1.1. The principal and assistants must be "team players," with the administrative team concept being essential to the success of the year- round plan. 

8.1.2. The principals and assistants must have strong organizational skills, be flexible, and know all of the administrative jobs, since one may be "tracked out" at various times throughout the year and others will have to "run the ship." There must be excellent backup and complete communication.

8.1.3. It is recommended that principals be placed on a 12-month contract. Where enrollment is not sufficient to warrant a full-time principal, a teacher could be given part-time principal duties.

8.1.4. It is suggested that school administrators schedule full vacations (one or two weeks at a time). It is also suggested that the principal be given flexibility in scheduling his/her vacation.

8.1.5. The school principal should collect, organize, and document data relative to various aspects of the year-round education.

8.2. Instructional Staff Administration: Listed below are areas where the year-round education school principal needs to put emphasis:

8.2.1. Future planning is more essential than on a conventional school calendar. This is needed since one-fourth of the teaching staff will be tracked-off at any one time. 

8.2.2. Some ways for the year-round principal to communicate policy, procedures, or other necessary items when one-fourth of the teaching staff is on vacation are: Organize instructors into teams, then there will always be team members present who are aware of changes made. Keep written minutes of activities, meetings or any decision-making committee or group in the school and send to each teacher.

8.2.3. Cycle building meeting dates in three-week blocks in order to keep continuity. For example, the first week of a three week block on Wednesday -- team leaders' meeting; second week on Wednesday -- total faculty meeting; third Wednesday -- curriculum committee meeting. The next three weeks will follow the same cycle. As a result, a teacher may be out for three weeks, but will know what he or she has missed and be prepared for the next nine weeks.

8.2.4. A staff and room rotation calendar should be developed which shows room assignments and staff vacation schedules.

8.2.5. Work days for the total school teaching staff should be pre-arranged so there are days when all of the staff will be present for inservice and/or planning. These days could be between school years.

8.2.6. Plan ahead so that teacher evaluations are completed before teachers are tracked out.

8.3. Secretarial Support: One secretary should be designated as an office manager and one as a building clerk. The year-round school secretaries should have a 240-day contract.

8.4. Parent Communication: In order to operate a year-round education school smoothly, the principal needs to make a concerted effort to communicate with parents. The following are suggestions to assist the principal:

8.4.1. Send a newsletter home with students approximately every three weeks on the day of track change. The newsletter is to be given to three tracks on the track change day and to the new track coming in on the next school day. 

8.4.2. In order to communicate at different times with students and parents who are tracked-off, the principal could: Have a parent representative(s) (possibly a room mother) for each track. The principal could then contact the representatives for that track and they could initiate a network of phoning to contact each parent on that track. Mail information to parents and students who are on vacation.

8.4.3. In order to orient parents who are new to the year-round education system, the following suggestions are given: Set aside a day just prior to the first day of each school year for a parent orientation. During the morning, design the orientation for parents new to the school; during the afternoon, open the school for all parents to meet teachers and tour the school. Have a school handbook to give the parents, providing them details about the school. Develop a media orientation program so that parents can receive an orientation any time during the school year.

8.5. Teachers: Listed below are teacher-related items to be considered for the modified 45-15 year-round education program.

8.6. Tracking Teachers (Refer year-round teacher track placement for more details.)

8.6.1. When possible, organize four teachers per grade level. The teachers should then be permitted to get together to decide which track each will be assigned. Teacher choice by seniority in District to be considered. 

8.6.2. It is good to have experienced and inexperienced teachers on tracks where they will be together for six weeks to help give support. The school administration should work with teachers to accomplish this.

8.6.3. Teachers on the modified 45-15 schedule will follow the same track as their students.

8.6.4. Because of rotating tracks, teachers need to pace themselves in order to complete their instructional units at the end of each nine-week period before "tracking-off."

8.6.5. "Track Out Fridays" will be at the end of each three-week block. This is necessary because one track is going out and one track is coming in and three classroom areas are being shared with four groups. This allows one teacher to take down and pack up, and another teacher to come in and gear up. If possible, extra storage should be provided for off-track teachers. Teacher cooperation, planning, sharing and teaming are encouraged.

8.6.6. If more teachers are needed, there could be more than one teacher on the same track at the same grade level.

8.6.7. "Paired Tracking" is a term used to describe two tracks that are always together for at least six weeks (A track and D track, also B track and C track). This pairing of tracks allows teachers to do some teaming and working in their strengths with different students.

8.7. Year-Round Teacher Track Placement:

8.7.1. The first year of year-round education requires teachers to be placed on tracks. There should be at least four teachers per grade level where possible. To establish track placement the first year, teachers shall be permitted to meet together by grade level to decide track assignments. If a conflict occurs among the teachers of a grade level concerning track assignments, the choice of tracks shall be determined by a point system of seniority. 

Point System: In school years = 6 points per year

In District years = 2 points per year

Teaching experience = 1 point per year (maximum 5 years experience)

Formula: In school years ______ x 6 = ______

In District years ______ x 2 = ______

Teaching experience ______ x 1 = ______

Total ______

8.7.2. The grade level teacher who has the greatest point total will have the first choice of tracks. In case of equal point totals, the teacher with the most years in the school will be given preference. After the first year on year-round education, teacher track assignments will remain the same unless: A teacher submits a request for a track change to the principal. All teachers who would be affected by the grade-level change must be in agreement with that change. The needs of the school require a change in teaching assignment. In both cases, the principal shall make the final decision. (11/14/89)

8.8. Year-Round Teachers' Contract Details

8.8.1. Flexible contracts for teachers may be considered. 

8.8.2. Teachers may choose to contract for the modified 45-15 plan and track-out with their students.

8.8.3. Teachers who opt to teach on the extended year contract will contract to teach by number of days (approximately 217). It is recommended that the days they are not on contract be in different time blocks with approximately five days in a block, and spaced at intervals throughout the school year.

8.8.4. Any certified teacher under contract with the Washington County School District and registered with the District's Substitute Teacher Scheduling System, is permitted to substitute teach in any school in the District on the teacher's track-off days or during vacation days at the rate of 167% of the established substitute teacher pay rate. These teachers are to be placed on the substitute teacher list ahead of the regular substitutes. (08/09/94)

8.8.5. One-half time kindergarten teachers are encouraged in year-round education. This makes it possible to align kindergarten with the other grade level tracks.

8.8.6. If two teachers in the same school agree in writing to the day(s) they want to trade,with the trade being consummated during the current school year and the principal approves it in writing, such trade shall be permitted. (6/12/90) If two teachers of any two year-round schools agree in writing to the day(s) they want to trade, with the trade being consummated during the school year and the two principals approve it in writing, such trade shall be permitted. (06/13/95)

8.8.7. With the communication problem of year-round education, it is suggested that one day during the year be a minimum school day, and then have all teachers work from noon until 7:00 p.m. Contracted days will be adjusted accordingly.

8.9. Other Teacher-Related Factors

8.9.1. Mixed grades are to be used where needed in order to take full advantage of the year-round four-track system. "Mixed grades" are very common in year-round programs and work well. 

8.9.2. The assigned track teacher will be responsible to report students' progress to the parents.

8.10. Advanced Education For Teachers: With teachers being on a year-round education contract, advanced education provisions should be provided as follows:

8.10.1. Inservice and/or university credit through workshops and/or university classes offered on weekends or in the evenings. 

8.10.2. Advanced degree programs in which classes are held in the School District on evenings and weekends.

8.10.3. On a limited basis, the school administration shall allow teachers to work out a teaching calendar that would allow them to work on a degree during the summer.

8.10.4. In accordance with board policy (page 4-7) teachers may request a sabbatical leave in order to complete an advanced degree program.

8.11. Parents and Students: Listed below are items that pertain to parents and students under the modified 45-15 year-round education plan.

8.11.1. Students Students are to be tracked with teachers so they will have the continuity of a "home-based teacher." Each track should be balanced as close to 10 percent of each other as possible, in order for all of the staffing and logistic details to balance out. If one track gets a heavy load, then it may be necessary to assign new families to another track (not requested). The year-round education plan when implemented, should begin in the elementary schools The School Board will approve the school(s) for the year-round education. Parents will be offered a first and second choice of the track(s) Administrators will attempt to honor these requests for placement. All children from a family, unless requested otherwise by parents, should be on the same track. Students should be encouraged to participate in intercession educational opportunities when offered. Off-track students, under teachers with extended contracts, should have opportunities to participate in general school activities if supervised by parents, i.e., science fair, reflections contest, and some special events. The curriculum shall include the basic concepts approved by both the Washington County School Board and the Utah State Office of Education. Dress and grooming standards approved by the Board of Education should be followed. When a child misses school, it is the responsibility of the parents and student to make up school work missed during the absence. Reports to parents should be written and reflect a child's mastery of concepts. The reports to parents should include: a) two parent/teacher conferences and, b) three written progress reports per year. If the school days are shortened for the transition periods of the 45-15 day track, parents are responsible for the children after dismissal from school. Bus students will be transported as usual. When a student goes off-track without mastering concepts, the teacher shall assist parents with materials, ideas and suggestions on how to help their child catch up.

8.11.2. Parents Parents are strongly encouraged to: attend parent orientation sessions, visit the school, read the year-round education handbook provided by the school, and review the media presentation available at the school. (Refer to the School Administration Section of these guidelines.) In districts where year-round schools are in operation, it is found that the parents who don't take the time to get the official information from the school, are those who have difficulty understanding and accepting the plan. Principals will assign students and balance classes loads in the best manner possible; therefore, parents should not attempt to "pick and choose teachers" for their children. Track changes are discouraged, however, when granted, the new track will be considered permanent. This item is essential in order to keep tracks balanced and not encumber the principal with added administrative problems.

8.12. Preference in Track Selection: Certified and full-time classified employees of the Washington County School District will be given their first choice in selecting a track for their children attending year-round schools. This policy will only apply to employees who submit the track applications individually and not as a part of a neighborhood group. (06/20/89)

9. Curriculum:

Year-round education has unique needs and opportunities relative to curriculum which should be addressed in the following ways:

9.1. Regular Curriculum

9.1.1. Teacher lesson planning should be done in nine-week blocks for rotating teachers and three-week blocks for extended contract teachers in order to have a compatible planning cycle for the 45-15 plan. 

9.1.2. On-going curriculum change or improvement can be handled by having representatives from teacher teams and by having representation from the various grade levels on the same curriculum committee. Committee assignments should be written with a description and time lines. Also, each committee should have a chairperson and alternate chairperson so the committee can function when various members are off track.

9.1.3. Record keeping must be systematic and thorough, enabling teachers to track students as they progress in their unit study.

9.2. Intercession (Bonus) Learning: Consideration should be given toward providing educational opportunities over and above the regular curriculum when students are off track. Some items to consider in planning these opportunities are:

9.2.1. Students should be allowed to participate voluntarily in educational opportunities which are designed to remediate and challenge students. 

9.2.2. These opportunities should be of brief duration and prescribed locally by the individual school.

10. Staff And Public Relations:

Because of the fact that society in general is geared toward tradition and initially change is extremely difficult for most people, extensive and broad-based public relations is necessary in order for year-round education to be implemented successfully. Listed below are key elements to be considered as year-round schools are implemented in designated areas of the School District.

10.1. Initial Steps

10.1.1. Under the direction of the Board of Education, organize an ad hoc public relations task force with representation from the designated areas where the year-round education plan is to be implemented. This task force should have the following representation: Civic leaders, church leaders, park and recreation leaders, educational leaders, PTA executive Board Member, business leaders, real estate leaders, county library representative, and Dixie College officials. The responsibilities of this task force are: Develop and implement plans to educate the school administrators, teachers, and staff as to the need for and the desirability of year- round education (school level meetings). Develop and implement plans to educate the general public as to the need for and the desirability of year-round education (including large group meetings at schools, news articles and newsletters, etc.). Develop and implement a calendar of events which includes: public relations items to be completed, time lines, dates for completion, specific people to whom responsibilities are assigned, methods to make maximum use of the media. Give recognition to the "key players" on the task force--those doing all the extra work.

10.1.2. Year-round education synonyms: "four vacation system," "continuous school year," "extended school year."

10.1.3. Community participation in developing boundaries for year-round education tracks is desirable.

10.1.4. Everything possible should be initiated to generate excellent communications with all concerned, including teaching staff, civic, community and parent organizations.

10.1.5. Provide opportunities for community involvement. If surveys are done, take the time to do a large enough sampling so that people feel they have been heard.

10.2. Neighborhood Meetings

10.2.1. The District and school administration, through the assistance of the PTA of the designated year-round school area, should identify people in each neighborhood who would invite 20 people or so from their neighborhoods, to discuss the details of the year-round education plan during an evening in their homes. 

10.2.2. The school principal and a few teachers should attend these meetings to answer questions and address concerns that people may have. It is important that these meetings be informative and encourage open discussion. A School Board Office representative should be available upon request.

10.3. Parks and Recreation: The year-round education plan can be compatible with the activities of the community parks and recreation program. Great efforts should be made to establish a very meaningful and regular partnership between the designated year-round school areas and the parks and recreation people. It is suggested that the parks and recreation department designate a person who will coordinate with the year-round education in developing intercession programs for "off-track" students. The parks and recreation department may also need to line up a few part-time people to help run the programs.

10.4. Parent-Teacher Organizations: The parent-teacher organization can function basically the same for a year-round school as it does under the traditional calendar. If there seems to be difficulty in getting people to actively support various parent functions, it is suggested that the school send invitations for self nominations for parents wanting to support and assist their local schools. There are many areas throughout these guidelines where parent organizations can perform a vital function. At least four or five teachers should attend each PTA meeting. The school should rotate assignments so all teachers get involved in the parent meetings throughout the year.

10.5. On-Going Public Relations Items: (Refer to school administration, parent and student sections of these guidelines.)

11. Transportation:

Year-round education creates some unique busing challenges. The items listed below are suggested in order to help meet some of these challenges.

11.1. In order to meet the needs of a four-track year-round schedule, in most cases the buses will need to travel the same route all year long. Some buses may be added or deleted according to enrollment levels at any given time.

11.2. Consider students attending bonus learning sessions taking advantage of transportation to or from school as their class schedule and availability of space on buses permits.

12. Final Statement Of Committees:

The committees, after studying the various plans for year-round education, seriously believe that the modified 45-15 four-track system is a very viable option to help alleviate the future student housing problems in the Washington County School District. The educational benefits, as well as the savings in capital expenditures, indicate that the Board of Education should consider adopting and implementing the guidelines as soon as it is advisable.

13. Questions and Answers Concerning Year-Round Education

13.1. How does the 45-15 year-round school plan work? 

Answer: Children attend school for approximately nine weeks, then vacation for approximately three weeks. This continues throughout the school year.

13.2. Why is the Washington County School District considering year-round education?

Answer: Year-round education is being considered to relieve over-crowded conditions in a District where new buildings have not met the growth rate of new students.

13.3. How does year-round education relieve overcrowded conditions?

Answer: The school will be used all 12 months during the year. At any one time 3/4 of the total student body will be in school and 1/4 of the students will be on vacation.

13.4. How many vacations do children have?

Answer: They have a total of four. One falls into each season of the year; fall, spring, summer, winter.

13.5. Are children in school the same number of days as those going on the traditional schedule?

Answer: Yes. All children attend the equivalent of 180 days, five days a week, having the same holidays observed by those on the traditional schedule.

13.6. How many different schedules can I pick for my children to attend?

Answer: Four, if space is available.

13.7. Will all my children be on the same schedule?

Answer: Yes, if you want them on the same schedule. However, you have the option to place them on different schedules.

13.8. Is the curriculum changed when children go year-round?

Answer: No. All children receive instruction from curriculum guidelines approved by the Board of Education.

13.9. Will my children remain under the same teacher throughout the year?

Answer: Yes, unless special needs are noted and a change is necessitated. This is determined by parents and teachers.

13.10. Is there ever a time when children are out of school other than their three-week vacation periods and regular holidays?

Answer: No. Education is continuous and revolves in a circle only broken by the scheduled vacations and holidays, except on "track-out Fridays."

13.11. When does my child begin a new year?

Answer: This is determined by the schedule the child is on. All children will make the transition during the month of July each year.

13.12. When are progress reports issued

Answer: At the end of every nine-week period.

13.13. Would class size be larger on this plan?

Answer: No. Teaching staff is allocated to year-round schools on the same formula as traditional schools.

13.14. Is it possible for my child to move from one schedule to another during the school year?

Answer: It is possible, but not desirable. When children are moved from one schedule to another they may: (1) lose a part of the instructional program; (2) may lose instructional time.

13.15. Will special programs continue to be offered? (Gifted and talented, special education, instrumental music, reading improvement programs, etc.?)

Answer: Yes. Programs offered in other District schools are available in the year-round school.

13.16. What about outside activities?

Answer: Children are free to participate in outside activities the same as they are now.

14. Facts of Year-round Education

14.1. Utilizes space more effectively; i.e., classrooms, media center, multi-purpose areas, playground and cafeteria. 

14.2. Provides an educational alternative to the community.

14.3. Saves time in reviewing materials already taught as students return from long vacations and/or as they begin a new year.

14.4. It may offer teachers a chance to achieve greater professionalism by providing year-round employment, additional income, and vacation schedule options.

14.5. Students may be able to compensate for time missed due to long-term illness.

14.6. Tends to improve children's behavior and attitude toward school because vacation periods are spread throughout the year. Virtually all year-round schools report reductions in student discipline problems, absenteeism, truancy and vandalism.

14.7. Children with special instructional needs have more continuous help, (e.g., speech, resource room, etc.).

14.8. It may be difficult to convey routine information to students, parents and teachers who are "off-track."

14.9. Maintenance of buildings and grounds may suffer. Major maintenance projects such as painting and rug cleaning may be difficult to schedule. Custodial support on a daily basis may be a problem.

14.10. Within the same family, the school age children will be on different schedules if other family members attend non-year-round schools.

14.11. The traditional three-month summer vacation no longer exists for school age children; a family's life style may be altered.

14.12. Year-round education plans frequently pose scheduling problems in regard to vacations, babysitting and other activities for families who have children at both year-round and traditional calendar schools.

14.13. Having the classroom used by more than one teacher will create storage and moving difficulties for students and teachers.

14.14. Year-round education schedules may conflict with special summer programs, (e.g., scout camps, church camps, music camps, sport camps, etc.).

PROCEDURE v2025.03.19 | Developed for Washington County School District | © 2025 WCSD | Feedback