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9840 - Outcome-Based Education

 Special Programs Washington County School District

1. Purpose:

Each year, the Board of Education adopts certain goals based on particular needs of the District. Because of a felt need to enhance the instructional program for students, one goal outlined for the 1990-91 school year is as follows:

"Establish a committee to come up with a recommended plan and procedure for further implementation of Outcome-based Education (OBE) in the School District this year. Special attention should be given by the committee to the Johnson City, New York program."

A committee was established by the Board of Education to study Outcome-based Education (OBE) and make recommendations. The committee which consisted of teachers, principals and District office personnel visited schools utilizing the OBE model, invited consultants to meet with the committee to present information, did extensive research and attended OBE conferences. After consideration of the goal, the committee presents the following information and recommendations for consideration by the Board of Education:

2. Policy:

3. Procedure:

Outcome-based Education (OBE) as outlined by William Spady, former director of the Far West Lab., includes the following five components:


3.1.1. To define and develop curriculum content, structure and articulation.

3.1.2. To establish criterion-referenced measures of students and program success; and

3.1.3. To establish record keeping and reporting systems for student progress.

3.2. ORGANIZING INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY based on the performance capabilities and learning needs of students.

3.3. ADJUSTING INSTRUCTIONAL TIME AND LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES to enable all students to reach outcome goals successfully.


3.5. MODIFYING THE INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM on the basis of documented student learning results and available data on instructional effectiveness.

3.5.1. The term Outcome Driven Developmental Model, (ODDM) is often used when discussing OBE. ODDM encompasses the process by which many districts have implemented OBE into their system. It is a holistic and comprehensive approach to school improvement. The Utah State Office of Education staff is organizing inservice training for school personnel in this approach.

3.5.2. During the past four years, the District has allocated State OBE funds, approximately $22,000 per year, among all schools for use in assisting teachers with costs associated with taking classes sponsored by the Institute for School Improvement. These have generally been classes which utilize the OBE philosophy. Even though the allocation of funds to individual schools has been limited, a large number of teachers have taken several of these classes each year, however, there has not been a concerted formalized application of the training District-wide.

3.5.3. Another major project to implement one of the elements of OBE during the past few years has been the development and alignment of the curriculum within the District. A planned course statement, which includes standards and objectives, has been developed for each course. In addition to the standards and objectives, an assessment dimension consisting of a randomly generated test has been developed to accompany each Planned Course Statement.

3.5.4. With the curriculum in place, many educators in the District having had limited training in the OBE model, and with the positive indicators received by the committee, it is recommended that more specific and in depth OBE training begin on the individual school level District-wide. The amount of time required for a school faculty to become adequately trained to implement the OBE model will take five years. Each year, training will be provided on a specific aspect of the model.

3.5.5. It is recommended that a District-wide OBE committee be established to coordinate the plan. It would be chaired by the District OBE coordinator who would receive a stipend equal to that of a head coach for a major activity. From those who apply, the coordinator would be appointed by the Superintendent.

3.5.6. The recommended training schedule is as follows: YEAR 1 Planning 

Develop a mission statement

Establish a vision of the program

Establish a philosophy of OBE and the implementation process YEAR 2 Develop the Instructional Model YEARS 3-4 Develop Processes and Exit Skills

Process Skills

Problem solving model that insures problems are readily identified and resolved

Communication network that involves all staff in the flow of information, ideas and decision making

Decision making (success connection)

Group processes, i.e., reality therapy, cooperative learning, etc.

Accountability (both staff and students)

Exit Skills

Self-directed learners

Concern for others (responsible student behaviors)

Self-esteem as a learner and a person

Cognitive levels (low to high) YEAR 5 Develop Learning Styles and Strategies

3.5.7. If funds are available, the committee recommends that approximately three schools per year enter in the training process. If additional funds become available, more schools could be allowed to participate. The training and implementation model would be as follows: (See manual for 3.5.8-10)

3.5.11. The process by which schools will be selected to participate in the training will be by application. Support of the staff members within the school must be indicated. The District OBE committee will review the applications and make recommendations to the Superintendent. Once a school has been selected to participate, that school must make a commitment to remain on the scheduled training for the five-year period.

3.5.12. It is possible that some things may change relative to the sequence of training which has been recommended and the budget amount for financial support. It is recommended that the inservice process and implementation be carefully assessed each year to determine if any adjustments need to be made. The committee is also concerned about the level of financial support which will be required after a school has completed the basic five-year program. This will need to be studied carefully prior to the first group of schools reaching the end of their five-year involvement.

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