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2200 - Student Dress Code

 Students/Parent/Community Washington County School District - Adopted 6-9-98; Revised 5-9-00; Revised 6-12-01; Revised 9-10-02.; Revised 5-9-06.; Revised 05-14-13.

1. Purpose and Philosophy

The Board of Education of the Washington County School District recognizes that every student in the schools should have the opportunity to learn in an environment which is safe, conducive to the learning process, and free from unnecessary disruption.  To foster such an environment the following policy establishes the framework for school dress and grooming.

2. Policy:

2.1. Students who attend the schools of Washington County School District are expected to come to school dressed and groomed appropriately for a learning environment and show respect for others by supporting the following dress and grooming standards.  These standards are intended to insure that every school in the Washington County School District will be a safe place for each student to learn, free from physical or moral threats and free from intimidation by others, to include gangs and gang appearance.

3. Procedure:

3.1. Dress and Grooming standards:

3.1.1. The attire (apparel) and grooming of all students should be neat, clean and safe. 

3.1.2. Students have the responsibility to avoid apparel that causes a distraction or disruption, interrupting school decorum and adversely affecting the educational process.  Students must also avoid apparel that is offensive, represents a risk, or threatens student safety.  Printed apparel is acceptable only if it is in good taste.  Any apparel displaying profanity, suggestive slogans, pictures or graphics, or promoting substances illegal for consumption by a minor, will not be allowed.  Clothes that are mutilated or immodest are not appropriate school wear.  Dresses, shorts, skirts, shirts, and blouses should be modest in length and not revealing.  (Tank tops, tube tops and garments that reveal undergarments may be considered revealing).  Hats are not to be worn in school buildings during regular school hours.  Any apparel approved for school wear should be worn in accompaniment with appropriate undergarments.  Footwear must be worn and should be safe and hygienic.  Shoes, boots and sandals are considered suitable footwear.  Clothing attachments or accessories which could be considered weapons are not allowed.  Students have a responsibility to cooperate fully with clothing standards required for special classes (such as shop, home economics, laboratories, physical education) and special school activities.

3.1.3.  Extremes in body piercings, hair styles and hair colors may be considered a distraction or disruption.

3.1.4.  Gang behavior, apparel or grooming is not appropriate at school.  (Reference Safe Schools Policy 2110)  As gang grooming styles and clothing continually evolve and change, the following prohibited items that have commonly denoted gang membership or affiliation are only representative of prohibited clothing.  Additional grooming styles and apparel may be considered gang-affiliated, as identified in consultation with school officials and law enforcement authorities.  Bandannas or any article of clothing or accessory bearing gang symbols, names, initials, insignia, or style of dress that indicates gang affiliation will not be allowed.

3.2.  Consequences for violation of the Student Dress and Grooming Policy

3.2.1.  A student in violation of the "Student Dress and Grooming Policy" may be sent home to make the changes necessary to be in compliance with policy.  The student may return as soon as the required changes are made.

3.2.2.  Students who dress or groom in a manner that demonstrates gang affiliation may be subject to suspension and/or expulsion.

3.2.3.  Suspension from school may occur for continued disregard for the Student Dress and Grooming Policy.

3.3.  Every school is to include the Student Dress and Grooming Policy in their student handbooks.

3.4.  School employees are held to the same dress and grooming standards as the students.

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