District Policy Washington County School District Logo


3700 - Technology Acceptable Use Policy

 Washington County School District - Approved 9-14-04; Revised 8-12-08; Revised 9-9-08; Revised 9-8-09; Revised 10-11-11; Revised 11-14-23

1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to ensure appropriate, responsible, ethical and legal access and use of Technology Resources by students, staff, and other patrons of the school district.

2. Policy

2.1. Access to Technology

Pursuant to Washington County School District Policy 0006 (Board Resolution for Digital Teaching and Learning), under approved regulations, guidelines, and this policy, the school district permits access to Technology Resources, including devices, software, and the Internet.

2.2. Responsibilities of the User

Users shall comply with all applicable state laws, federal laws, and this policy as a condition of the use of Technology Resources. These laws include but are not limited to U.C.A. §76-10-1235, U.C.A. §53G-10-103 and §76-6-702.Users are expected to utilize these resources responsibly and primarily for purposes consistent with the district's objectives.

2.3. Responsibilities of the District

2.3.1. Internet Safety

It is the policy of the Washington County School District to fully comply with all federal and state internet safety laws, including the Children’s Internet Protection Act, 20 U.S.C § 9134 and 47 U.S.C § 254 (hereinafter “CIPA”), U.C.A §53G-7-1002, U.C.A. §53G-7-1003, U.C.A. 53G-5-410, U.C.A. 53G-7-216, and Utah Administrative Code R277-495.

2.3.2. Digital Citizenship

It is the policy of Washington County School District to provide education and awareness on safe technology utilization and Digital Citizenship that empowers a student to make smart media and online choices as defined in U.C.A. §53G-5-410 and prepares them with the skills necessary for lifelong access to Technology Resources in other less controlled environments.

2.4. Policy Review

In compliance with §53G-7-1003(2)(a), this policy shall be reviewed by the board at least every three years, and a footnote shall be added to the policy indicating the effective date of the last review.

3. Procedure

3.1. Definitions:

3.1.1. “Digital Response to Intervention Plan” means a plan for utilizing Digital Citizenship resources and practices to intervene when a student violates this policy, including teaching appropriate and responsible behavior, remediation efforts and appropriate disciplinary action. This plan is developed by the Washington County School District, but schools are permitted certain local amendments to align with local school Digital Citizenship goals and efforts.

3.1.2. “Pornographic Material” means a material that is pornographic or indecent material as that term is defined in UCA §76-10-1235.

3.1.3. “Personal Device” means any device that is used for audio, video, text communication or any other type of computer, device or computer-like instrument that the District does not own.

3.1.4. "Digital Citizenship" means the norms of appropriate, responsible, and healthy behavior related to technology use, including digital literacy, ethics, etiquette, and security.

3.1.5. “Technology Resources” means any electronic device, electronic hardware, network (including the internet), software, digital service, program, or data.

3.1.6. “User” means any person using Technology Resources provided by the Washington County School District.

3.2. Access to Technology

3.2.1. Access The district permits access to Technology Resources to amplify student learning. Access to a district-provided device at home for students is subject to parent/guardian consent of the Washington County School District Student Computing Device Agreement.

3.2.2. Expectation of Privacy There is no expectation of privacy when utilizing any District Technology Resource. All connections, communications, and data through or created by any district-provided resource or user utilizing a district-provided resource is monitored and logged. All logs, documents, emails, and any other digital records created using district-provided resources may be searched at any time for any reason.

3.2.3. Disciplinary Action Employee Disciplinary Actions for violation of the policy shall be in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and District policies. Any employee found to be in violation may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment with the Washington County School District. Student Disciplinary Actions for violation of the policy may include loss of technology privileges and other disciplinary action determined by the school administration following the Digital Response to Intervention Plan. Other User’s Disciplinary Actions for violation of the policy may include removal or banning access to Technology Resources and/or criminal/civil legal repercussions.

3.2.4. Confiscation of a Personal Device Where an administrator has reasonable suspicion to believe that a personal electronic device contains evidence of misconduct or violations of district policies, the device may be subject to search and seizure by the administration.

3.3. Responsibilities of the User

3.3.1. Users are prohibited from the following: Accessing systems, data, or accounts without authorization or in excess of the user’s authorization. Violating copyright or intellectual rights by downloading or distributing copyrighted material or other intellectual property. Accessing Pornographic Material. Bypassing firewalls, filters, and other technology measures without authorization. Employee release of Student Data inconsistent with State and Federal Data Privacy Laws. Intentional and unauthorized interference, disruption, destruction, or damage to Technology Resources. The disclosure or dissemination of another person's identifying information that intentionally results in harassment. Accessing, creating, downloading, storing, or printing material that is Pornographic Material or prohibited under WCSD Policy 4225. Cyber-bullying and hazing, as defined in WCSD Policy 3510, and other forms of harassment. Threats of violence and other Safe School Violations as defined in WCSD Policy 2110. Plagiarism. The use of video recording or streaming devices in any school situation where a reasonable expectation of personal privacy exists, whether or not another person in that situation has consented. These locations and circumstances include but are not limited to locker rooms, shower rooms, restrooms, and any other areas where students or others may change or be in any stage or degree of disrobing or changing clothes. Use of a video recording or streaming device to threaten, humiliate, harass, embarrass, or intimidate another person. Use of a device in a manner that is disruptive to the educational setting. Student use of a Personal Device when prohibited by the school principal or designee. Using Technology Resources in a manner that violates any District policy, applicable Utah educator professional practices, or applicable school code of conduct.

3.3.2. Requirements of Use Users shall follow WCSD Policy 3730 Technology Security Policy. Users shall be responsible for and treat district-provided Technology Resources with care. Employees shall follow Administrative Letter #159 for purchasing or selecting Technology Resources for use in the course of their duties.

3.3.3. Responsible Use Users should follow established Digital Citizenship practices. Users should be responsible. Users should be polite. Users should use school-appropriate language. Users should be respectful. Users should report inappropriate or suspicious activity. Staff should avoid personal use of the district-provided email system.

3.4. Responsibilities of the District

3.4.1. Internet Safety In accordance with Federal and State Law, Washington County School District shall filter internet traffic for content defined in law that is deemed harmful to minors. Washington County School District acknowledges that technology based filters are not always effective at eliminating harmful content and due to this, Washington County School District uses a combination of technological means and supervisory means to protect students from harmful online content. In the event that students take devices home, Washington County School District will provide a technology based filtering solution for those devices. However, the District will rely on parents to provide the supervision necessary to fully protect students from accessing harmful online content. Students shall be supervised when accessing the internet and using district provided devices on school property.

3.4.2. Digital Citizenship Students shall be instructed in appropriate online behavior, including online safety. This instruction shall be included in the required curriculum for all students in various courses throughout the K-12 scope and sequence. In accordance with §53G-7-1202, schools shall work with their school community council to ensure that Digital Citizenship goals and efforts provide for education and awareness on safe technology utilization and Digital Citizenship that empowers a student to make smart media and online choices.

PROCEDURE v2025.03.19 | Developed for Washington County School District | © 2025 WCSD | Feedback