District Policy Washington County School District Logo


3710 - Software Adoption and Support

 Technology and Media Support and Services Washington County School District - Approved 6-14-05

1. Purpose:

The purpose of this policy is to provide end-users and departments with a consistent and usable set of procedures for adopting software that will align with other software already adopted and supported by the technology department, as well as to ensure adopted software can be supported by the District Technology Department. In addition, this policy is established to ensure that a selection process is in place that considers the best possible applications to meet the needs of the end-users.

2. Policy:

End-users and departments will adopt, install, and implement software according to pre-defined procedures as set forth in the procedure section below. The District Technology Department will only support software adopted through these procedures, and will only support equipment that contains only software adopted by the District Technology Department.

3. Procedure:

3.1. Definitions

3.1.1. Administrative Software: Software used by teachers, counselors, administrators for purposes other than presenting curriculum related material to students.

3.1.2. Curriculum Based Software: Software used by teachers, students, or instructional staff for the purpose of presenting curriculum related material to students.

3.1.3. Data Warehouse Data: Data generated by software that is stored in the District's Data Warehouse

3.1.4. Basic Software Review: An analysis of software to determine that the software's system requirements meet the minimum hardware and operating systems currently supported by the District Technology Department as defined by the current recommended minimum requirements for donated technology. These can be found at: (http://tech.wash.k12.ut.us/download/Tech_Files/Hardware_Requirements.pdf)

3.1.5. High Impact vs. Low Impact: High impact software is used by a large number of end-users, costs more than $1000, pushes or pulls data from the data warehouse, and has a yearly support/maintenance contract. Low impact affects only a small number of users, is low in cost, has no yearly service/maintenance contract, and does not push or pull data from the data warehouse.

3.2. Adoption Procedure:

3.2.1. End User / Department identifies need, purpose, goal, number of possible end users, approximate cost (including any possible annual service contract), and if the software will push or pull data from the data warehouse.

3.2.2. Collaborate with Technology Department to select possible software choices

3.2.3. Determine if software is high impact or low impact.

3.2.4. Follow procedures identified in Software Selection Flowchart.

Flow Chart for Software Adoption

PROCEDURE v2025.03.19 | Developed for Washington County School District | © 2025 WCSD | Feedback