District Policy Washington County School District Logo


2961 - Language Access Plan

 Washington County School District - Approved 10-10-23

1. Purpose & Philosophy

The Washington County School Board believes that it is important to provide parents/guardians with the opportunity to be actively involved in their children's education and to be informed of the importance of involvement in directly affecting the success of their children's educational efforts. The board and schools are committed to addressing the LEA's communication and assistance to students learning English, their parent or guardian, and their families by building consistent and meaningful communication in a language that a parent or guardian can understand (Utah Code 53G-7-223, 53E-2-303, 63A-2-502). The district will consult with community members and organizations to evaluate the effectiveness of the Language Access Plan (LAP).

1.1 Definitions

1.1.1 Primary language means the first language spoken by a student and a student’s parent or guardian.

1.1.2 Interpretation means simultaneous communication between a speaker of English and a speaker of another language.

1.1.3 Translation means the written communication wherein the written words of one person are communicated to others in writing in a different language.

1.2 LEA administrators or school staff are responsible for notifying each parent/guardian and student who requires language assistance services of their right to free language assistance. Complaints about non-compliance can be addressed to the District Director of Student Services.

2. Language Access Plan

2.1 Language Access Coordinator: A district language access coordinator will be designated and is responsible for implementing and updating this language access plan annually which includes relevant training.

2.2 The coordinator will notify school personnel of this language access plan, the rights of parents and students to language assistance services, and the proper procedures to access language assistance services as outlined in this document.

2.3 Determination of Primary Language

2.3.1 Schools must determine within 30 (thirty) days of a student’s enrollment (or, re-enrollment) the primary language spoken by the student and the parent or guardian of each student enrolled in the school, and if such language is not English, whether the student or
parent/guardian require language assistance to communicate effectively with the school.

2.3.2 The school shall maintain an appropriate and current record of the primary language of each parent/guardian.

2.4 Schools will provide translation and interpretation services to students or parents/guardians who require language assistance in order to communicate effectively with their school.

2.5 Parents/guardians can opt out of receiving language access services by informing the school.

3. Interpretation Services

3.1 Schools shall provide interpretation services during regular school hours, to parents/guardians and students who require such services in order to communicate with the school regarding critical information about their child’s education. Interpretation services may be provided either at the location where the parent or student is seeking to communicate or virtually.

3.2 Interpretation and translation shall be provided for, but not limited to, the following activities: (a) classroom activities; (b) impromptu and scheduled office visits or phone calls; (c) enrollment or registration processes; (d) the Individual Education Program (IEP) process; (e) student educational and occupational planning processes; (f) fee waiver processes; (g) parent engagement activities; (h) student disciplinary meetings; (i) school community councils; (j) school board meetings; (k) other school or LEA activities; and (l) other interactions between the
parents of a student learning English and educational staff.

3.3 Interpreters and translators may be certified and, where possible, have education- specific experience for the following: (a) classroom activities; (b) impromptu and scheduled office visits or phone calls; (c) enrollment or registration processes; (d) the IEP process; (e) student educational and occupational planning processes; (f) fee waiver processes; (g) parent engagement activities; (h) student disciplinary meetings; (i) school community councils; (j) school board meetings; (k) other school or LEA activities; and (l) other interactions between
the parents of a student learning English and educational staff.

3.4 Translation Requirements. Translation shall be provided for, but not limited to:
- registration or enrollment materials, including home language surveys and English learning program entrance and exit notifications;
- assignments and accompanying materials;
- report cards or other progress reports;
- student discipline policies and procedures;
- grievance procedures and notices of rights and nondiscrimination;
- parent or family handbooks;
- requests for parent permission; immunizations; and,
- any other guidance, including guidance on when oral interpretation is preferable to written translation, to improve instruction and assistance by teachers, counselors, and administrators to a student learning English and the student’s parents and family.

4. Centrally Produced Critical Communication

4.1 The school district and schools shall identify documents which are distributed or electronically communicated to parents/guardians containing critical information regarding their child’s education, including, but not limited to: registration, application, and selection; standards and performance (e.g., standard text on report cards); conduct, safety, and discipline; special education and related services; and transfers and discharges.

4.2 The school district and schools shall work together to procure translations of critical communication in a timely manner, in each of the covered languages.

4.3 Schools shall provide parents with a translation of any document that contains individual, student-specific information regarding, but not limited to, a student’s: (a) health; (b) safety; (c) legal or disciplinary matters; and (d) entitlement to public education or placement in any
special education, English language learner or non-standard academic program.

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