District Policy Washington County School District Logo


2330 - Student Immunizations

 Health/Safety/Welfare Washington County School District - Adopted 8-79; Revised 6-9-92/12-8-98/9-12-00; Revised 11-11-03; Revised 3-21-06

1. Purpose:

To comply with the immunization requirements of the State of Utah and prevent potential illness due to vaccine preventable disease exposure in the schools. (11-11-03)

2. Policy:

Washington County School District will comply with the Utah Statutory Code, Title 53A, Chapter 11 and the Immunization Rule for Students R396-100. (3-21-05)

3. Procedure:

3.1. Schools will accept any immunization record signed by a licensed physician, registered nurse, or public health official as evidence of immunizations. (11-11-03)

3.2. Schools are required to keep on file a completed vaccination certificate for each child. This record is part of the student's permanent school record (Cumulative folder) as defined in Section 53A-11-301 of the Utah Code and shall transfer with the student's record to any new school.

3.2.1. A student may not enter school without a certificate of immunization. 

3.2.2. A student who, at the time of school enrollment, has not been completely immunized against each specified disease may attend school under a conditional enrollment if the student has received one dose of each specified vaccine prior to enrollment, and continues to complete the required immunizations.

3.2.3. A student under a conditional enrollment must complete all required immunizations within the designated period or be excluded under the authority of the Southwest Utah Public Health Department pursuant to Utah Code annotated 1953; 26A-1-114(1)(a), 26A-1-114(3) and R386-704-7.

3.2.4. A parent may claim an exemption to immunizations for medical, religious, or personal reasons, as allowed by section 53A-11-302 of the Utah Statutory Code. Each exemption claimed must be accompanied by the appropriate Utah Department of Health Exemption Form. One or more of the following may be presented to the appropriate official of the school: (11-11-03) A certificate from a licensed physician stating that due to the physical condition of the student, one or more specified immunizations would endanger the student's life or health. A completed form obtained at the local health department where the student resides, providing: A statement that the person has a personal belief opposed to immunizations which is signed by an authorized representative of the local health department and witnessed by the local health officer or his designee as required by Section 53A-11-302.5. A statement that the person is a bona fide member of a specified, recognized religious organization whose teachings are contrary to immunizations signed by one of the following persons:

One of the student's parents.

The student's legal guardian.

A legal age brother or sister of a student who has no parent or guardian.

The student, if of legal age. A student for whom an exemption is claimed will be excluded from school if an outbreak of any vaccine-preventable disease occurs. Exclusion is for the duration of the outbreak.

3.2.5.  Students who meet the requirement of homeless under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Act will have 30 days to meet the immunization requirements.

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