District Policy Washington County School District Logo


2400 - Student Illness or Injury at School

 Health/Safety/Welfare Washington County School District Adopted 6-14-05

1. Purpose:

To establish policy and procedures regarding student injury or illness during school hours.

2. Policy:

2.1. School personnel will follow the Utah Department of Health Guidelines for exclusion of a student for symptoms of illness and/or communicable disease. 

2.2. School personnel will follow the First Aid and CPR guidelines established by the American Red Cross. 

2.3. School personnel will follow the Individualized Health Care Plan for children identified with special health care needs. 

2.4. School personnel will follow the requirements of Utah law 53A-11-205 in notification of parent or guardian. 

2.5. The parent or guardian assumes responsibility for all medical charges not covered by student school insurance purchased by parent or legal guardian.

3. Procedure:

3.1. American Red Cross courses in First Aid and CPR will be provided for Washington County School District personnel. 

3.2. When a student becomes ill at school, appropriate health care will be provided while the parent, guardian, or responsible party (designated by the parent or guardian) is being notified, and/or is making arrangements to come for the child.

3.3. When a student is injured, appropriate first aid will be provided while the parent, guardian, or responsible adult (designated by the parent or guardian) is being notified, and/or is making arrangements to come for the child.

3.3.1. If an unaccompanied youth (under policy 2940 Homeless Children and Youth) has a medical emergency, the school can contact the local emergency room.  Medical professionals should be familiar with the rules to treat minors and will respond appropriately to medical emergencies.  Liability for injuries is based on a party's failure to exercise reasonable care.  By exercising reasonable care in creating a safe environment and responding appropriately to medical emergencies, the school can help protect itself from liability. (3-21-06)

3.4. The Emergency Medical System will be notified if

3.4.1. the injury is beyond the care recommended by the American Red Cross guidelines; and/or

3.4.2. it is a life threatening injury.

3.5. A reasonable effort to notify the custodial parent, guardian, or responsible adult (designated by the parent or guardian) is required if:

3.5.1. the injury or illness requires treatment at a doctor's office, hospital, or other medical facility not located on the school premises; and

3.5.2. the school has received a current telephone number for the party it is to notify.

3.5.3. the parent has provided a written request to the school that they want to be notified of any complaint of, or observation of minor injury or illness.

3.6. A reasonable effort to notify the noncustodial parent is required if:

3.6.1. a written request is received by the school from the noncustodial parent;

3.6.2. the school has received a current telephone number for the party it is to notify; and

3.6.3. there are no court orders stating that the noncustodial parent cannot have contact with the child (which would need to be supplied to the school by the custodial parent).

3.7. Any injury that is severe enough to cause the loss of one-half day or more of school and/or warrant medical attention and treatment will be reported on the Utah Department of Health "Student Injury Report Form."

3.7.1. The original will be kept at the school.

3.7.2. One copy will be sent to the District Office.

3.7.3. One copy will be mailed to the Utah Department of Health.

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