District Policy Washington County School District Logo


2110 - Safe Schools Policy

 Student Discipline Washington County School District - Revised 10-12-99; Revised 4-17-01; Revised 08/08/08; Revised 05-14-13; Revised 8-9-16; Revised 6-18-19; Revised 9-9-24 

1. Purpose:

The Board of Education of the Washington County School District (WCSD) protects the rights of students and recognizes that every student in the schools should have the opportunity to learn in an environment which is safe, conducive to the learning process, and free from unnecessary disruption. To foster a safer learning environment and promote positive behavior, WCSD developed this Policy based upon the following principles:

2. Policy:

2.1. Each student is expected to follow accepted rules of conduct.

2.2. Each student is expected to show respect for other people and obey persons in authority at the school. 

2.3. When a student fails to meet these expectations, WCSD maintains the right to implement appropriate interventions. 

2.3.1. WSCD promotes principles of restorative school discipline but may impose other disciplinary intervention as necessary.

2.3.2. Multi-tiered systems of supports (MTSS) shall be implemented as a method of systematic reinforcement of expected behaviors and uniform methods for correction of inappropriate behaviors.

2.4. Participation in extracurricular activities is not a constitutionally protected right, and therefore, students who are denied participation in an extracurricular activity as a disciplinary measure are not entitled to due process.  (UCA 53G-8-209(1))

2.5. This Policy applies to students when students are in the classroom, on school grounds, in school vehicles, or at school-sponsored activities or events regardless of the location.

2.6. The Policy also applies to off-campus and non-school sponsored activities under the following circumstances:

2.6.1. There is a nexus between the proximity or timing of the conduct in relation to the student’s attendance at school or a school-sponsored activity; or  

2.6.2. The student is a member of an extracurricular activity and has been notified that particular off-campus conduct could result in exclusion from the extracurricular activity; or

2.6.3. The conduct has a direct nexus to attendance at school or a school-sponsored activity, such as a plan or agreement made on campus to engage in conduct off campus that would violate this Policy if it occurred on campus; or 

2.6.4. The conduct includes speech or expression that materially and substantially disrupts the operation of the school, or the school administration reasonably anticipates that the expression is likely to materially and substantially disrupt the operation of the school; or

2.6.5. The conduct involves the theft or vandalism of school property; or

2.6.6. The conduct involves bullying or harassment and occurs while the student is traveling to or from school or a school-sponsored event (See Policy 7100 for transportation guidelines); or

2.6.7. The conduct involves hazing or cyberbullying and creates a material and substantial disruption at school.

2.7. This Policy applies to student with disabilities to the extent permissible under state and federal law under state and federal special education law and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

3. Definitions

3.1. “Days” for the purpose of this Policy, means calendar days unless otherwise stated in the Policy.

3.2. “Disruptive student behavior” means any behavior that prevents the ability of instructors to teach or students to learn. It includes as described below, behaviors that are grounds for suspension or expulsion from school as well as behavior that does not warrant removal.

3.3. “Emergency Safety Intervention” (ESI) means the use of: physical restraint, or seclusionary time out; when a student presents an immediate danger and/or threatens or causes serious bodily injury.  See WCSD Policy regarding Physical Restraint Policy.

3.4. “Expulsion” means the permanent removal from school for the current school year.

3.5. “Gang” or “criminal street gang”, means an organization, association, or group of three or more persons, whether formally or informally. Members may individually or collectively: engage in criminal or violent behavior to persons or property; create an unreasonable and substantial disruption; or a risk of disruption to a class, activity, program, or other function of a school. Criminal street gangs may have identifiable names, signs, symbols, marks or other items which are evidence of gang membership, or a desire to be affiliated with, or be recruited by any criminal street gang and may wear, possess, or display gang attire.

3.6. “Parent” means custodial parent, legally appointed guardian, or any other person purporting to exercise any authority over the minor which could be exercised by a custodial parent or legally appointed guardian. (UCA 53G-8-210(b))

3.7. “Physical restraint” means immobilizing or reducing the ability of a student to move his arms, legs, body, or head freely.

3.8. “Restorative practices/programs” means a discipline practice that brings together students, school personnel, families, and community members to resolve conflicts, address disruptive behaviors, promote positive relationships, and healing.

3.9. “School Resource Officer” ("SRO") means a law enforcement officer whose law enforcement agency contracts with the school district to provide law enforcement services which promote a safer school environment. 

3.10. “Seclusionary time out” means that a student is placed in a safe enclosed area and monitored by school personnel to purposefully be isolated from adults and peers. The student is prevented from leaving, or reasonably believes that he/she may not leave.

3.11. “Suspension” means the temporary denial of social interaction through school contact and the removal of the person from the classroom setting because of real and present disruptive effect of the student's presence, or a reasonable assumption that the student's presence will be disruptive or a threat to the well-being or safety of the student and or other students or staff. Suspension may be "short term" (10 school days or less) or "long term" (more than 10 school days). 

3.12. “Temporary disciplinary transfer” (TDT) means a student is removed temporarily from the regular school setting by the school administration to an alternative educational setting because of a violation of the Safe School Policy.

3.13. “Threat” means an expression of intent to do harm or act out violently, either physically or sexually, against someone or something. A threat may be spoken, written, or symbolic.

4. Disciplinary Interventions

4.1. Alternatives to Suspension or Expulsion. It is the Policy of WCSD that administrators will make best efforts to impose alternatives to suspension and expulsion, such as restorative justice practices and other options as explained below, when a student engages in disruptive student behavior that does not warrant immediate removal from school.  Non-habitual disruptive student behavior which does not warrant immediate removal from school includes:

•  acts of willful disobedience,

•  defiance of authority, or

•  behavior that did not result in actual or imminent harm to anyone or self-harm (immediate referral to parents), and did not involve sexual harassment or discrimination.

4.1.1. A student who engages in disruptive student behavior shall meet with the school administrator, counselor, or other designee to attempt to resolve the student’s behavior problem.

4.1.2. Multi-tiered systems of support shall be implemented before suspending or expelling a student unless the student’s behavior poses a risk of harm to himself or others, such as: Behavior Contract. School administrators may implement a behavior contract that includes expectations of behavior, consequences for noncompliance with the contract and rewards for compliance. Restorative Practices.  Administrators are encouraged to implement restorative practices when students engage in disruptive student behaviors. Notice of Disruptive Student Behavior. School administrators may issue a formal Notice of Disruptive Student Behavior [LINK to LETTER] to a student who engages three times in one school year in disruptive student behavior that does not result in a suspension or expulsion; or when a student engages in disruptive student behavior that results in a single suspension or expulsion once during the school year. A formal Notice of Disruptive Student Behavior:

•  May only be issued to a student who is at least 9 years old or will turn 9 years old during the school year, AND

•  Requires the student and parent to meet with school administrators to discuss the student’s disruptive behavior AND

•  Requires that student and parent cooperate in correcting the student’s disruptive behavior, AND

•  Must be mailed by certified mail or served on a parent of the student. Notice of Habitual Disruptive Student Behavior.  School administrators may issue a formal Notice of Habitual Disruptive Student Behavior [LINK to LETTER] when a student:

•  Engages in disruptive student behavior that does not result in suspension or expulsion at least six times during the school year; or

•  Engages in disruptive student behavior that does not result in suspension or expulsion at least three times during the school year AND engages in disruptive student behavior that results in suspension or expulsion at least once during the school year; or

•  Engages in disruptive student behavior that results in suspension or expulsion at least twice during the school year. Within 5 days of issuing a formal Notice of Habitual Disruptive Student Behavior, the school administrator shall provide documentation to the parent of efforts made by the administrator, counselor, or designee to resolve the student’s disruptive behavior problem. Parents may contest a Notice of Disruptive Student Behavior within 10 days of receiving information from school by requesting a meeting with a different school administrator other than the one who issued the notice; if one is not available, the parent may contact a designee at the District Office. In-School Suspension. Schools may establish an in-school suspension program or restorative justice program where students remain at school but do not attend their regularly scheduled classes.  This can be used as an alternative to out of school suspensions. After School Discipline Programs. Elementary school students may be detained after regular school hours given that prior notice has been given to the parent/guardian.  Notice is not required if the student is being detained for the student’s safety or health.

4.2. Suspension, Temporary Disciplinary Transfer (TDT) and/or Expulsion   

4.2.1. A student may be subject to a TDT, suspended or expelled from the student's boundary school for any of the following reasons: When a school official determines that reasonable time is needed to establish, further verify or document disruptive student behavior and the student’s continued presence at the school creates a threat of harm to others. Note: A student may only be suspended (short-term) under this provision. Illegal behavior, frequent or flagrant willful disobedience, defiance of proper authority or disruptive behavior; including the use of foul, profane, vulgar, or abusive language. Student participation in any form of criminal street gang activity as defined in Policy, on school property, or at any school-sponsored activity, or on school-provided transportation, and including: using, distributing, displaying, or selling of gang attire. Behavior or threatened behavior which poses an immediate and significant threat to the welfare, safety, or morals of other students or school personnel or to the operation of the school, including: hazing, bullying, emotionally demeaning or assaultive behavior, physical violence, physical or sexual harassment (improper touching or inappropriate exposure of body parts, etc.). Conduct described in this paragraph is subject to discipline if it occurs on any social media platform where the conduct creates a substantial and material disruption or is reasonably foreseeable to create a substantial and material disruption at school. See WCSD Policy 2115 Non-Discrimination and Prevention of Harassment; Policy 3510 Bullying and Hazing. Possession or use of pornographic material on school property, which includes nude or semi-nude images on personal electronic devices, sent or received by students (“sexting”). Possession, control, or use of an alcoholic beverage as defined in Utah Code 32B-1-102. Possession, control, use of cigar, electronic cigarette, or tobacco.  See WCSD Policy 1401 Tobacco-Free School Policy. Willful destruction or defacing of school property; behavior which threatens harm or does harm to the school or school property, to a person associated with the school, or property associated with any such person, regardless of where it occurs.  If a school’s property has been lost or willfully cut, defaced or otherwise damaged, the school may withhold the issuance of an official written grade report, diploma, or transcript of the student responsible for the damage or loss until the student or the student’s parent/guardian has paid for the damages or completes a program of work in lieu of payment. Education will be provided to all students in the least restrictive environment that 1) does not predictably threaten serious bodily harm. 2) does not result in a pattern of behavior that interferes substantially and materially with the instruction of other students, and 3) does not allow for repeated verbal or physical sexual harassment or sexual assault (Utah Code 53E-7-206).

4.2.2. A student shall be suspended, subject to a TDT, or expelled from school for any of the following reasons: The commission of an act involving the use of force or threatened force which if committed by an adult would be a felony or class A misdemeanor. Possession, control, or actual or threatened use of a real weapon, explosive, or noxious or flammable material; The actual or threatened use of a look-alike weapon with intent to intimidate another person or to disrupt normal school activities; The sale, control, or distribution of a drug; drug paraphernalia; imitation of a controlled substance or controlled substance as defined in Utah Code 58-37-2; 58-37b-2; 58-37a-3. Making a false report of an emergency at school to an emergency response service, including law enforcement, 911, or other entities whose purpose is to respond to emergencies.  The false report must claim the emergency exists or will exist and involves an imminent or future threat that is occurring or will occur at school.

4.2.3. Long-term suspension and/or temporary disciplinary transfers shall be based on factors such as previous violations, severity of conduct, and other relevant educational concerns.

4.3. Procedures for Suspension of 10 Days or Less:

4.3.1. School principals and assistant principals have authority to suspend a student for up to ten (10) school days per incident, with the exception of students on an IEP (Individualized Educational Plan) where they can only be suspended up to 10 school days per year unless a Manifestation Determination meeting is held and/or a plan is made by the student's IEP team.

4.3.2. Prior to suspending a student, a student shall be given due process, specifically, notice and an opportunity to be heard.  An informal conversation with the administrator in which the administrator tells the student of the alleged misconduct and asks the student for an explanation of his misconduct is sufficient for purposes of a suspension of less than ten days.

4.3.3.  If the student’s conduct is such that his presence at the school poses an immediate threat, the student may be immediately suspended, provided the student be given notice and an opportunity to be heard as soon as practically possible following the suspension.

4.3.4. If it is determined by the school administration that a suspended student must immediately leave the school grounds, the administration shall determine the best way to transfer custody of the student to the parent or other person authorized by the parent or applicable law to accept custody of the student.

4.3.5. Where a student’s presence at the school does not pose an immediate threat of harm, administrators shall conduct a thorough investigation in accordance with WSCD Policy 1700.

4.3.6. Within 24 hours of a student’s suspension, a school administrator shall notify the student’s parents*:

•  that the student has been suspended;

•  the grounds for the suspension;

•  the period of time for which the student is suspended; and

•  the time and place for the parent or guardian to meet with a designated school official.

(*The noncustodial parent must also be notified if the noncustodial parent requested in writing to be notified of such events.)

4.3.7. Administrators shall meet with the student and the student’s parents to review the suspension and any conditions upon which the matter might be resolved and the student returned to school.  If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached or if the student’s parents cannot meet within 10 school days, the student may be suspended from school for a maximum of 10 school days.

4.3.8. The parent/guardian of a suspended student and the designated school official may enlist the cooperation of the Division of Child and Family Services, the juvenile court, or other appropriate state agencies, if necessary, in dealing with the student's suspension.

4.3.9. Any student temporarily suspended from regular classroom instruction shall be allowed full opportunity to make up work missed as a result of the suspension. It is the responsibility of the student to contact teacher(s) to obtain missed assignments, tests, etc. An administrator shall inform the parent(s) and student of the procedures for contacting the teacher(s) to obtain work during the suspension period.

4.4. Procedures for Long Term Suspension (10+ School Days)/Temporary Disciplinary Transfer (TDT)/ Expulsion

4.4.1. Only the Superintendent, or designee (who shall be a District-level administrator), have authority to impose a long-term suspension, a TDT, or an expulsion upon recommendation from a school administrator.

4.4.2. For students with disabilities, the procedures for a change of placement and/or services under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) shall apply.

4.4.3. Prior to making a recommendation for long-term suspension, TDT, or expulsion, and immediately upon the student’s removal from school, the school administrator shall meet with parents to discuss the proposed recommendation.

4.4.4. If, following the meeting with parents/guardians, the school administrator determines that long-term suspension, TDT, or expulsion is appropriate; the school administrator shall submit a recommendation for the student’s long-term suspension, TDT, or expulsion to the Superintendent or designee.

4.4.5. If a student has made a threat or has engaged in frequent violent bullying or harassment of others, commits an act of school violence, including force or assault, or makes a threat to do so, the school administrator shall refer the student for a threat assessment, in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Policy, and work with the threat assessment team to review the results of the threat assessment.  The results of the threat assessment shall inform the school administrator’s recommendation and/or action to be taken.

4.4.6. If the Superintendent or designee agree that a long-term suspension, TDT, or expulsion is appropriate, the Superintendent or designee shall instruct the school administrator to provide notice to the parents/guardians as follows:

1.  That the student is being recommended for long-term suspension, TDT, or expulsion and the reason for the recommendation, including a description of the school regulation(s) allegedly violated by the student and a statement of the facts which led to the recommendation;

2.  The proposed length of time of the long-term suspension, TDT, or expulsion;

3.  Information regarding the opportunity to request a hearing on the matter, including the procedures of the hearing as outlined in 4.4.7. below, the contact information of the Superintendent or designee, and that the hearing must be scheduled within ten school days of the student being removed from school.

4.4.7. Procedures for Hearing for Long-Term Suspension, TDT, or Expulsion A hearing requested in 4.4.6.(c) shall be conducted before an impartial hearing panel, appointed by the Superintendent or designee within ten days of the student’s removal from school, unless otherwise agreed upon by both the school and parents. The hearing shall be recorded either by an audio or video recording device. Students may be accompanied by legal counsel if the school administration is represented by legal counsel.  The hearing panel may be assisted by legal counsel, at the Superintendent’s discretion. The school administrator who recommended the long-term suspension, TDT, or expulsion shall bring information regarding the reason for the recommendation for the student’s long-term suspension, TDT, or expulsion, including evidence gathered during an administrative investigation.  Student statements and police reports may be admitted as part of this evidence. Hearsay is admissible. The student, or the student’s representative, shall be given an opportunity to respond to the information presented by the administrator. Witnesses may present testimony but are not required, and no witness will be compelled to testify.  The hearing panel shall review the evidence presented by the administrator and the student and shall make a determination to uphold the recommendation for long-term suspension, TDT, or expulsion, or to make an alternative recommendation regarding the student’s continued presence in the District and/or the student’s placement. Following the hearing, the hearing panel will write a decision within 10 days. The hearing report must include:

1.  A statement of the time, date, place of and individuals in attendance at the hearing.

2.  A summary of the information and evidence presented at the hearing.

3.  A statement of the hearing panel’s final decision.

4.  A time period for a long-term suspension/temporary disciplinary transfer.

5.  A statement of the hearing panel’s recommended conditions for a long-term suspension, TDT, or expulsion that a student must satisfy to be considered for re-instatement in the student’s boundary school. The hearing panel’s decision may be appealed to the WCSD School Board within 10 days of receiving the hearing report. An appeal to the board is limited to a review the hearing panel’s report. If the board finds that (1) there were no procedural errors, (2) that the penalty is consistent with the evidence and information presented and (3) that the student removal is appropriate considering all evidence and circumstances discussed at the hearing, the board shall uphold the Superintendent’s decision. If the board finds that grounds for expulsion and procedures were not satisfied, the board may modify the removal consistent with the evidence and information before the board. The board may modify the decision to include any conditions for alternative educational services and/or early reinstatement into school, and communicate the modified decision in writing to both parties within 10 days. The board may seek advice of legal counsel in reviewing the hearing panel’s report.

4.4.8. Nothing in this section precludes parents and administrators from coming to a mutually agreed upon decision to impose a long-term suspension, TDT, or expulsion for the student.  Parents and administrators must agree in writing about the decision.

4.5. Student Reintegration

4.5.1. When a student has committed a serious offense or sexual crime, the student will be transferred to an alternative educational placement if the student attends the same school as the victim of the student's crime or attends the same school as an individual who has a protective order against the student (Utah Code 53G-8-203(4)(a)).

4.5.2. A student may not be reintegrated into a school where a student or staff member has a protective order against the student being reintegrated or a student or staff member is the victim of a sexual crime committed by the student being reintegrated (Utah Code 53G-8-213(5).

5. Risk and Threat Assessment

5.1. A threat assessment may be administered to a student who makes a physical or sexual threat (as defined in this Policy) either verbal or written, engages in frequent violent bullying or harassment of others, commits an act of school violence, including force or assault, or makes a threat to do so (“Threatening Behavior”.)

5.2. The threat assessment may be used to inform the decision for appropriate interventions and/or placement decisions for the student, in accordance with the procedures set forth above for a long-term suspension, TDT, or expulsion. 

5.3. A threat assessment may only be conducted if parents provide written consent.  If parents do not provide written consent for an assessment of a student deemed to have engaged in Threatening Behavior, WCSD will make a determination regarding appropriate interventions and/or placement based on the information available at the time of the threat.

5.3.1. A student will not be denied an education due to a parent refusal to consent to a threat assessment, although a student may be suspended long-term, placed in a TDT or expelled if the underlying behavior warrants these sanctions and if the student has been afforded due process in accordance with this Policy. 

5.4. The results of the threat assessment and/or student information provided by the school team will be reviewed by a school’s threat assessment team composed of the following individuals:

•  designated district administrator

•  district and/or school psychologist

•  the school administrator where the student attends school

•  the counselor where the student attends school

•  one of the student’s teachers

•  the student

•  the SRO

•  agency case manager, if the student is designated Youth in Care

•  a special education representative, if student is on an IEP

•  Others as deemed appropriate

5.5. School administrators may provide input for the threat assessment team but may not solely determine whether a student may continue in the administrator’s school.

5.6. A district/school threat assessment team shall meet to address concerning student behaviors.  Parents and students are not part of a threat assessment team when the threat assessment team is not addressing the students’ specific threat assessment.

5.7. The information discussed by the threat assessment team is protected by FERPA.  All members of the threat assessment team are considered school officials for purposes of threat assessment team meetings.

6. Procedures for Referrals to Juvenile Court

6.1. School administrators and School Resource Officers (SROs) or law enforcement officers who have cause to believe that a minor committed an offense on school property where the minor is enrolled, or during a school-sponsored activity, may refer the minor to a school-based intervention and/or may refer the minor to court.

6.2. If the alleged offense is a class C misdemeanor, an infraction, and/or status offense on school property the minor may be referred to court only if the student refuses to participate in an evidence-based intervention.

6.2.1. If a minor is referred to court for a class C misdemeanor, an infraction, and/or a status offense, the school shall appoint and provide the contact information of a school representative (may not be the SRO) to continue to engage with the minor and the minor’s family through the court process.

6.2.2. If a school refers a minor to court for a Class C misdemeanor, an infraction, and/or status offense, the school shall include the following in its referral to the court:

•  attendance records for the minor;

•  a report of evidence-based alternative interventions used by the school before referral, including outcomes;

•  the name and contact information of the school representative assigned to actively participate in the court process with the minor and the minor's family; and

•  any other information the school district or school considers relevant.

6.3. If the alleged offense is a class B misdemeanor or a class A misdemeanor, the minor may be referred directly to the juvenile court for review by the school administrator, the school administrator's designee, or a school resource officer, or the minor may be referred to the evidence-based alternative interventions.

6.4. When the Superintendent receives notice that a student was taken into custody or adjudicated for a violent offense or an offense involving a weapon, within three days the Superintendent shall notify the principal of the school the student was last enrolled or is currently enrolled. The principal shall make notation on a secure file other than the student’s permanent file; and may notify staff members who have a right and a current need to know.

7. The Use of Emergency Safety Intervention (ESI)

7.1. ESI, including physical restraint and seclusionary timeout, shall not be used for disciplinary purposes.

7.2. A school employee may only use reasonable and necessary physical restraint in self-defense or to:

  1. Obtain possession of a weapon or other dangerous object in the possession or under the control of a student;
  2. Protect a student or another individual from physical injury;
  3. Remove from a situation a student who is violent; or
  4. Protect property from being damaged, when physical safety is at risk

8. Reporting

8.1. An educator must immediately report the following to his principal:

•  Reason to believe that a student at the educator’s school possesses or consumes alcohol on school grounds or during a school sponsored event,

•  Reason to believe that a student at the educator’s schools is has violated the Controlled Substance Act.

8.2. An educator who in good faith makes a report described above is immune from any liability, civil or criminal, that might otherwise result from that action.

8.3.  The principal, or designee, upon receiving a report of a prohibited act shall immediately report the violation to the student’s parent/guardian and may report the violation to an appropriate law enforcement agency/official, in accordance with 53G-8-211.

8.4. The principal or designee may not disclose to the student or to the student’s parent/guardian the identity of the educator who made the initial report. 

8.5. Whenever a student is found on school property or at a school-sponsored event with a dangerous weapon, the principal shall be notified immediately.  The principal, upon notification, shall notify law enforcement personnel and district/school personnel.

8.6. School employees who have reason to believe that students participating in student government and extracurricular activities have engaged in any of the following must report the allegation to the school principal immediately:

  1. racial slurs, recurring use of foul, abusive, profane language while engaged in school related activities;
  2. illicit use, possession, or distribution of controlled substances or drug paraphernalia, and the use, possession, or distribution of an electronic cigarette, tobacco, or alcoholic beverages, or
  3. hazing, demeaning, or assaultive behavior, whether consensual or not, including behavior involving physical violence, restraint, improper touching, or inappropriate exposure of body parts not normally exposed in public settings, forced ingestion of any substance, or any act which would constitute a crime against a person or public order under Utah law.

8.6.1. The principal shall within ten working days notify the superintendent of the alleged incident by the student participating in student government or extracurricular activities, and the actions taken in response.

8.6.2. Failure of a person holding a professional certificate to report as required under this section constitutes an unprofessional practice.

8.7. Schools shall report safe school violation as well as the action taken against the student in a student information system. This includes collecting, maintaining, and periodically reviewing the documentation or records regarding the use of Emergency Safety Interventions (ESI). The report will be submitted on an annual basis to the State Board of Education via UTREx and when required to Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). 

8.8. A school shall notify to a parent whenever a parent’s student threatens to commit suicide or is involved in an incident of bullying, cyber-bullying, hazing, abusive conduct, or retaliation. 

9. Records

9.1. The District shall maintain a record of all suspended and expelled students.

9.2. When a school notifies a parent of an incident of bullying or threat of suicide as per 8.8, the school shall produce and maintain a record that verifies that the parent was notified of the incident or threat.

10. Distribution of Policy

10.1. The Policy is available on the district website. A copy of the grounds for suspension and expulsion from this policy shall be provided to each parent/ student upon the student’s enrollment in a school in the Washington County School District. The Policy may be posted in a prominent location in each school and shall be included in the student handbook.

Policy References:

House Resolution 1; 2018: Urging Restorative Justice in Utah’s Education System

House Bill 239 Juvenile Justice Oversight Committee, School Offense Referral Guide, June 2018

House Bill 239; 2017: Juvenile Justice Amendments; House Bill 132; 2018: Juvenile Justice Modifications

Rule R277-609; 2018: Standards for LEA Discipline Plans and Emergency Safety Interventions

Utah Code 53G-6-403 (3) (b)) School Enrollment: Rules for Acceptance and Rejection of Applications, 2018

Utah Code 53G-8 Discipline and Safety, 2018

Utah Code 53G-8-203: Conduct and Discipline Policies and Procedures

Utah Code 53G-8-209: Extracurricular Activities – Prohibited Conduct – Reporting of Violations…

Utah Code 53G-8-213(5): Reintegration Plan for Student Alleged to have Committed Violent Felony or Weapon Offense

Utah Code 53G-8-505-510: Substance Abuse Reporting and Weapons Notification

Utah Code 53G-9-604; Parental Notification of Certain Incidents and Threats Required, 2018

Utah Code 53E-3-509 Gang prevention and Intervention Policies, 2018

Utah Code 76-9-901 Prohibition of Gang Activity

Utah Code 76-10-105; 2017 Buying or Possessing a Cigar, Cigarette, Electronic Cigarette or Tobacco by a Minor

Utah Code 76-10-505.5; 2013 Possession of a Dangerous Weapon, Firearm, or Short Barreled Shotgun



PROCEDURE v2025.03.19 | Developed for Washington County School District | © 2025 WCSD | Feedback