District Policy Washington County School District Logo


2300 - Homebound Program

 Health/Safety/Welfare Washington County School District - Adopted 8-5-97; revised 10-10-00

1. Purpose:

To clarify that homebound education placements are not absences.

2. Policy:

Students excused for homebound absences will not be counted as absent.

3. Procedure:

3.1. In order to qualify for homebound absence a student must meet the following criteria:

3.1.1. A student must be absent for health-related reasons for a period of three (3) or more consecutive days. (In the case of a student who is undergoing surgery or has been injured in an accident, qualification for homebound is immediate.) Upon return to school, students will be responsible to make up the work they missed during their absence. 

3.1.2. The illness or accident must be verified by a medical doctor (MD).

3.1.3. When recovery from illness or accident exceeds five (5) school days, a student is eligible to have homework delivered by a homebound teacher (when available), provided a homebound contract is signed by the parent and student.

3.2 Teachers who are employed to be a homebound teacher perform visits and duties after regular hours. Rate of pay is extra duty rate set by District.

3.2.1. Visits to student must be a minimum of two times a week, a minimum of one hour per visit. (Ref: R277-419-4.C.(1)-USOE) 

3.2.2. Homework may be accumulated from other teachers before and after school, during lunch, and, if necessary, during preparation time.

3.2.3. Form 307 should be initiated by teacher, and initialed by student or parent to verify time and date of visit. Teacher should, also, indicate time and date for preparation time. Form shall be submitted to the local school at least monthly for payroll.


Form 308 Homebound Educational Program Contract

Form 309 Weekly Assignment Sheet

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