District Policy Washington County School District Logo


1325 - Sick Leave to HRA Conversion

 Personnel Washington County School District - Approved 10-28-24


1.  Purpose

Incentivizing employees to be judicious in their use of sick leave will; minimize absence from the classroom increasing student achievement, save employees money through minimizing short term disability costs and help employees pay for post-retirement medical costs.

2.  Policy

2.1. It is the responsibility of each employee to carefully evaluate their personal economic situation with respect to their own financial situation prior to terminating from the school district.

2.2. Sick Leave to HRA (Health Reimbursement Account) Conversion (SLHC) provided by the Washington County School District is subject to change and benefits described in this Policy are not vested until the employee is eligible for and has applied for SLHC, signed a District Application for Participation, and received Board approval of an SLHC Application. Applications must be received by January 31st by 4:00pm of the final contract year.  Once the signed application and agreement form(s) are approved by the Board, the decision of the employee to separate from the District may not be rescinded without the written agreement of both the employee and the Board.

2.3. No action may be brought in any court to enforce or contest any provision, term, or condition of this policy unless the person contesting the act or omission has exhausted the administrative remedy provided in the WCSD Grievance Procedure, Policy 1720, except the grievance shall be filed at step one of the formal procedure.

3.  Procedure

3.1. Definitions:

3.1.1. District means Washington County School District.

3.1.2. Separation is the complete separation from employment in the Washington County School District.

3.1.3. Uninterrupted/continuous employment means employment without a separation of District employment of any kind.  An authorized leave of absence, sabbatical leave, FMLA leave, or an employee who worked a full contract year, was terminated at the end of the contract year, and was subsequently rehired within 90 calendar days of the start of the following contract year is not considered to have a separation of district employment, unless the employee received a Sick Leave to HRA Conversion under this policy.

3.2. Eligibility Requirements

3.2.1.To qualify for the Sick Leave to HRA Conversion (SLHC) the applicant must have been continuously employed by the District for a minimum of five (5) consecutive full contract years just prior to separation under contracts that were eligible for sick leave.

3.2.2. SLHC will not be paid unless the eligible employee separates at the end of the contract year.  Mid year SLHC will not be authorized unless approved by the Board. Approval is limited to compelling unforeseen conditions that prohibit the employee from completing the contract such as illness or health related issues and it can be demonstrated that the educational program will not be disrupted because of the separation.

3.3. Sick Leave to HRA Conversion Benefits:

3.3.1. An amount equal to $25 for every eight hours of accumulated sick leave, at the date of termination, will be deposited into an HRA in the terminating employee’s name.

3.3.2. The district will determine which HRA is used under this policy.


3.3.4. The applications of those candidates that qualify for the program will be forwarded to the Board for appropriate action at a regularly scheduled Board meeting. Any questions regarding the eligibility of an individual will be directed to and reviewed by the Human Resource Director or designee.

3.3.5. Any exceptions to this policy, to include a separation effective on a date other than at the end of the contract year, will require Board action.

3.4. Re-employment after separation:

3.4.1. An employee who terminates from the District and participates in the Sick Leave to HRA Conversion, may be rehired within the limitations and conditions specified in District policy and is subject to the limitations within the Utah Retirement System.

3.4.2 After re-hire an employee will be required to work an additional five (5) consecutive full contract years as outlined in 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 to be re-eligible for this benefit.

1000 Personnel Administration

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