District Policy Washington County School District Logo


1520 - Employee Accident Reporting

 Washington County School District - Approved 10-11-05; Revised 10-10-06; Revised 3-4-14; Revised 4-10-18; Revised 2-14-23

1. Purpose:

1.1.  The purpose of this policy is to ensure proper procedure is followed in the event of an employee accident or workplace injury.

2. Policy:

2.1.  Employees and volunteers shall report any inherent workplace hazards that may result in injury.  Employees and volunteers shall also report job-related injuries, illnesses, and accidents that require, or may require, medical attention to the principal, administrator, or supervisor, including: 

2.1.1.  Incidents and accidents where injury or illness occurs, or when first aid or emergency treatments are administered. First aid treatment is considered a one-time treatment of minor injuries that do not involve loss of consciousness or restriction of job duty.

2.1.2.  Incidents where property or equipment damage occurs.

2.1.3.  Any action or event observed that is unsafe or has the potential to cause injury or damage.

2.2.  Washington County School District has worker's compensation insurance through the Utah School Boards Insurance Association. Injuries that occur on the job fall under this policy. The policy allows compensation for medical care. All employees and volunteers as defined in Policy 1105 have this protection.

2.3.  All vehicular accidents, regardless of severity, that occur within the course and scope of employment must be immediately reported to an employee's principal, administrator, or supervisor.

3. Procedure:

3.1.  Reporting medical accidents

3.1.1.  First Aid and Emergency Medical Treatment. If medical attention is needed immediately, due to life or limb threatening accidents, the employee will:  provide reasonable assistance and take emergency medical measures, based on the employee's knowledge of such situations  call 911 as required for life or limb threatening injury immediately  report the incident to the principal or supervisor  call Company Nurse at 1-888-375-0279 (open 24 hours a day) to report workplace injuries that will or may require medical attention. 

3.1.2.  Employees are strongly encouraged to document the details of workplace injuries immediately on District Form 122, and to provide a copy of that form to the District Risk Management Specialist within twenty-four (24) hours. Vital information and details may be lost or forgotten if reports are not completed in a timely manner.

3.1.3.  Principals, administrators, and supervisors must investigate all incidents or accidents under their jurisdiction and document their findings on District Form 122. 

3.1.4.  The principal, administrator, or supervisor must complete District Form 122 at the time of any accident that will or may require medical attention.  A copy of the report will be given to the District Risk Management Specialist, at (435) 673-3553 x5110, within twenty-four (24) hours of the accident. 

3.1.5.  Initial care should be sought from Washington County School District's medical provider for Worker's Compensation.  Failure to obtain initial care from the District's provider may result in the claimant paying the cost of medical services rendered by the non-designated provider:

IHC WorkMed

385 North 3050 East

St. George, Utah 84790

(435) 251-2630

3.1.6.  After the claimant receives initial treatment from the District's designated provider, the claimant is allowed to make one change of doctor, after notifying the District Risk Management Specialist and the Workers Compensation Insurance Provider. 

3.1.7.  Injured personnel may remain clocked in to attend the initial doctor's visit immediately following a workplace injury sustained on the clock.  Subsequent visits must be scheduled after work hours, or sick time may be used.

3.1.8.  Once a Workers Compensation claim is filed, it now becomes the claim adjuster's responsibility to determine compensability. For claims to be compensable, they must meet the criteria of 1) It has to arise out of and 2) Be in the course of employment. Refer to the Utah Labor Commission's guide to Workers Compensation for employers for more details. 

3.1.9.  At the time of initial medical treatment, post-accident drug testing will be completed. Reference the Drug Free Workplace and Reasonable Suspicion District Policy 1400. 

3.1.10.  Washington County School District will return the injured employee to work within their physical restrictions as quickly as possible.  Employees that are placed on light duty by a medical professional will be given temporary transitional assignment.  The duration of a temporary transitional assignment is based on the nature of the injury and the efficacy of the job assigned.  This may mean modifying hours worked, job duties, restriction of duties, and a temporary change of position or a combination of positions. The purpose is to temporally modify a position in order to meet the injured employee's restrictions until he or she can return to their normal routine and further disciplinary action. 

3.1.11.  If an injured employee is released by the treating doctor to perform modified work but refuses to return to work, notify the District Risk Management Specialist. All return to modified work must be documented with a Temporary Transitional Agreement form. Refusal by an employee to accept a temporary modified position could result in termination of worker's compensation benefits. 

3.1.12.  Depending on the work related injury restrictions, Transitional Duty with Restriction Forms (District form 224) may be completed by the Doctor providing care. The doctor will provide detail instructions on care, physical restrictions, and special requirements. If an employee is unable to return to work, due to the severity of the injury, the employee may qualify for the Family Medical Leave Act. 

3.1.13.  The injured employee will be contacted within seventy-two (72) hours of the accident by the District Risk Management Specialist for follow up on their condition and throughout the course of the claims process. The District Risk Management Specialist will follow up with the Principal, Administrator, or Supervisor to ensure compliance with the injured employee's restrictions. 

3.1.14.  After each follow-up medical visit, due to an on-the-job injury, the employee must provide all documentation from the Doctor, indicating any changes in the work restrictions. It is the employee's responsibility to schedule any necessary return doctor visits and to provide documents for proof of continued restrictions. Adjustments to the modified job responsibilities may occur upon review of the Doctor's recommendations. A copy of the forms will be given to the District Risk Management Specialist for each doctor's visit. 

3.1.15.  In the event the employee does not return to work and is qualified for the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the District will continue to fund the District's share of an employee's benefits during the employee's time off from work for authorized FMLA, due to the work related injury or illness. 

3.1.16.  A medical doctor will provide documentation that an employee is able to return to work without restrictions.  A copy of this documentation must be provided to the District Risk Management Specialist.

3.1.17.  Workers Compensation Payment Limitations.  Employees who are receiving Workers Compensation wage replacement benefits will be paid directly from the Workers Compensation program at the rate established under the Workers Compensation statute and in accordance with applicable regulation.  There will be no partial payment from sick leave.  Refer to District Policy 1332 - 3.1.15.

3.2.  Reporting district vehicle accidents (non-bus related)

3.2.1.  Stop immediately. Leave vehicles as they are unless you are told differently by a police officer.

3.2.2.  Notify police of the location and if there are any injuries.

3.2.3.  Take steps to prevent additional accidents.

3.2.4.  Get names and addresses of witnesses.

3.2.5.  Provide proof of insurance to police and other drivers.

3.2.6.  Get the police case number.

3.2.7.  Do not admit fault to anyone.

3.2.8.  Get all the necessary information from the other driver.  Driver's license number  Insurance company, agent, phone number, address  Get name and address of each person involved and what type of injury.

3.2.9.  All incidents and accidents need to be documented on District Form 122.

3.2.10.  Notify the Risk Management Specialist and immediate supervisor within twenty-four (24) hours. 

3.2.11.  If the vehicle cannot be driven, call for a tow truck. Do not allow anyone to move the district vehicle until transportation personnel arrive. 

3.2.12.  If you are injured and unable to fill out the proper forms, call or come to the District's Risk Management Specialist office as soon as possible for paperwork processing. Remember, any and all accidents, no matter how minor, that involve a district vehicle must be reported.

3.3.  Reporting property loss 

3.3.1.  The supervisor or secretary will report loss to the Business Administrator, in the event there is vandalism, theft, an act of nature, fire, or malfunction of equipment. 

3.3.2.  Contact the Business Administrator within twenty-four (24) hours. 

3.3.3.  Collect and send witness statements, police reports, and any other documentation to the Business Administrator.

3.4.  Accident/Incident Investigation and Review (10-10-06)

3.4.1.  The District Risk Management Specialist and an Administrator will meet and consider information related to an accident or incident.  They will review employee injuries and accidents to determine if the event and actions leading to the injury or damage to property were preventable.

3.4.2.  A preventable accident or incident is any omission, act, or conduct that includes unsafe, willful, reckless, or any violation of district policy.  Preventable accidents also include an accident or incident that a reasonable person would have been able to avoid using district prescribed commonly or known safety precautions.

3.4.3.  Willful or reckless conduct will be considered preventable and result in disciplinary action to include possible termination.

3.4.4.  After the initial review of the incident, the District Risk Management Specialist will notify the employee within ten (10) days of receiving all relevant previous records, information, reports, and statements related to the accident/incident.

3.4.5.  The Administrator, under the direction of the Human Resource Director, will follow District procedure for discipline in administrating recommendations for action from the accident/incident review.

3.4.6.  Depending on the nature, severity and pervasiveness of an accident or incident was found to be preventable, the violation of safety compliance will result in any of the following levels of disciplinary action:

•    A documented verbal warning
•    A written warning
•    Probation, as established in District Policy 1450 or termination, to include non-renewal of contract

3.4.7.  An Accident/Incident Review Board (ARB) composed of at least the Risk Management Specialist, one District manager or administrator, one classified or certified employee, and a member of the STS Committee. The ARB will meet at the request of an employee who wants to appeal the decision of the initial accident/incident review.  The employee has the right to representation, review documentation related to the accident/incident, and the right to present additional information to the ARB.  The employee's representative will have the right to be present but not to vote in the ARB review.

3.4.8.  The ARB shall hold a fact-finding meeting to determine if the accident/incident was preventable or non-preventable, or if negligence was involved.

3.4.9.  The ARB shall report its findings and recommendations for actions to the Director of Human Resources.  The Director of Human Resources will inform the employee of the findings within five (5) working days of the final ARB review.  The factors that are considered by the initial review and the ARB involve the category of severity of the accident/incident, history of past preventable accidents/incidents, employee conduct, preventability of the accident/incident, and any other relevant conditions, incidents, past safety violations, evaluations, training, and/or safety compliance issues.  The initial review and the accident review board will make a recommendation, as appropriate, related to the action that should be taken.  The Director of Human Resources will follow District discipline policy and procedures in taking action or recommending action to the superintendent.  Additionally, mandatory refresher safety training and retraining may be required or suggested by the Risk Management Specialist in the initial review or accident review board's final decision.  Blocks of training may be assigned or suggested either alone or in conjunction with other disciplinary action taken.



1000 Personnel Administration

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