District Policy Washington County School District Logo


1500 - Safety Compliance

 Washington County School District-Approved 10-11-05, Revised 04-10-18

1. Purpose:

1.1. The objective of safety compliance is to: 

1.1.1. Improve workplace safety and health for all workers by reducing hazards and providing a clean, safe, learning environment. 

1.1.2. Increase awareness of, commitment to, and involvement of safety and health issues. 

1.1.3. Provide and protect the safety and health of all employees through compliance with district, state, and federal policies and regulations.

2. Policy:

2.1. Washington County School District will comply with applicable state and federal standards and guidelines and take reasonable steps to minimize risks in the work place. 

2.2. All district employees are responsible to support and maintain safe work practices throughout all buildings and comply with federal, state, and local safety regulations within their level of accountability. 

2.3. The superintendent, administrators, principals, supervisors, and custodians have the primary responsibility of the safety and well being of all occupants of any building under their authority. 

2.4. All employees will: 

2.4.1. Comply with established safe work practices.

2.4.2. Personally accept the challenge to have increase awareness of potential hazards and remain accident free.

2.4.3. Report any condition that could result in a safety incident of any type.

2.5. The safety program includes reporting incidents and corrective action, analysis of safety data, implementing training for safety, and compliance with policies. Each department, principal, and supervisors also has the authority to establish necessary safety guidelines not covered in the District policy for safe work practices. Efforts will be consistent with Federal, State, and local safety regulations.

2.5.1. Responsibilities of Principals, Administrators, and Supervisors: Frequently inspect workplace for potential hazards and correct issues that arise. Encourage and support continuous improvement to meet safety goals. Communicate any information that is relevant to safety. Report all accidents and aid in the investigation of related injuries immediately as outlined in policy 1520.3.1. Implement additional safety rules to specific work areas and job functions. Provide proper tools, equipment, and training to enable employees to complete job responsibilities in compliance with the safe work practices and Federal, State, and local guidelines. Follow-up on any corrective measures necessary in workplace safety and safety performance issues.

2.5.2. Responsibilities of employees: Follow established safe work practice guidelines. Engage in only safe acts at all times. Recognize unsafe situations and report them immediately to principal or supervisor. Report an incident or accident (medical or equipment) without delay. Actively participate and accept responsibility that safety is a choice that is made daily by each individual. Know and comply with safety regulations. Obtain and inspect all facilities, equipment, tools, and machinery required to perform job functions for safety and reliability.

2.5.3. Responsibilities of the safety committee: Assist in audits and reviews of safety procedures. Provide guidance, expertise, and support to other organizations and groups to enable them to comply with all regulations and codes. Attend Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) meetings in the community. Support and aid in the training for emergency planning and workplace safe practices. Review safety recommendations from parents, teachers, and community support agencies and suggest implementation of new ideas. Audit and submit Student Neighborhood Access Program (SNAP) plans for each school. For additional information see Washington County School District Policy 7030.

3. Procedures:

3.1. General Safe Work Practices 

3.1.1. Be aware of your surroundings. Watch for potential hazards that may cause slip, trip, or falling. Keep walkways clear of debris and obstructions that can cause injuries. Watch for potholes and uneven surfaces in parking lots and playgrounds. Obey and respect areas that have wet floors and caution signs. Use handrails when ascending or descending ramps, staircases, or on buses. 

3.1.2. Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Do not wear loose or baggy clothing and jewelry while working around equipment, machinery, or tools. Wear safety glasses and gloves when working with chemicals and machinery. Shoes and boots need to be suitable for specific job functions or working environments. Clothing should be fitting for dress-code standards as well as weather and work environment. 

3.1.3. Keep escape routes clear from objects and obstructions. Routinely, discuss emergency evacuation procedures with employees and students. Audit work area to maintain clear walkways, doorways, and areas free from matter that could prevent escape. 

3.1.4. Locate fire extinguishers and sprinkling systems. Understand how to use fire extinguishers and audit them for missing parts and expiration. Keep the tops of cupboards free from boxes and storage, as they may hinder the sprinkling systems, in the event of a fire. 

3.1.5. Understand Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and know their location in each facility. Never bring unauthorized chemicals into any facility. Know how to properly label and store chemicals. Never mix chemicals, or pour chemicals into contaminated containers. Any flammable chemicals need special attention, for storage and temperature control. If Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is needed for chemical use, make sure it is properly worn and provides adequate coverage. Read labels and understand how to treat exposure, in the event employee is adversely affected by chemical use. 

3.1.6. Never enter an unauthorized area. Ladders, roof entrances, manholes, and areas that maintenance workers are allowed, are not for public use. Pay attention to sections that are roped and chained off or special signage for areas that say, "Authorized Personnel Only". If you are to work in a confined space, seek proper training and permission before entering. Students are prohibited from entering confined spaces.

3.1.7. Understand blood borne pathogens exposure and cleanup procedures. Exposure to can come from contact with bodily fluids, needles or other sharp objects. Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for cleanup and care. Use proper clean up and disinfectants for decontamination. Needles or sharp objects should be disposed of in proper containers. Always wash hands immediately with soap and running water. Report blood borne pathogen exposure immediately to principal or supervisor and complete the proper paperwork for an incident or accident as outlined in policy 1520.3.1.3. 

3.1.8. Use appropriate equipment for reaching in high places. Do not stand on desks, cupboards, carts, garbage cans, tables, chairs with rollers, boxes, or any other unstable items. Use appropriate ladders and step stools. 

3.1.9.  Be familiar with electrical safe practices.  Use lock out tag out procedures when electrical boxes and machinery are damaged or in the process of maintenance.  Only authorized personnel with proper training are allowed to access electrical panels, etc.  Do not stack or store items within 36" of electrical panels.  Do not run extension cords across areas where people may walk or where the cord may be damaged or in risk of water contact.  Use appropriate surge protectors.  "Daisy-chaining" electrical cords is not permitted.

3.1.10. Keep your work area clean. Store areas should be neat and orderly. Store heavy items at waist height. Lighter items can be stored at higher levels. Clean up spills immediately to avoid slip, trip, and fall injuries. 

3.1.11. Horseplay is not acceptable. Report any acts to supervisor. Employee injuries sustained while engaged in horseplay may subject the employee to disciplinary action.

3.1.12. Recognize your personal physical limitations. Do your job functions the proper way and don't take shortcuts. Understand that proper lifting techniques, warm-up exercises and stretching, and reducing fatigue can help prevent soft tissue injuries. 

3.1.13. Warm up by stretching large muscle masses (i.e. arms, legs, shoulders, backs). Use safe lifting skills. Avoid unnecessary bending or twisting and over extended reaching. Keep feet aligned with knees and shoulders. Evaluate the load that needs to be lifted. Bend knees, keeping back as straight as possible. Grasp the load securely and keep it close to your body. Lift with the legs and not with the back. Never carry a load that hinders visibility. Ask for assistance if a load is too bulky or too heavy to move on your own. Anytime possible, use a dolly or handcart to transport boxes and heavy objects.

3.2.  Equipment

3.2.1.  Use of equipment without prior authorization or proper training is prohibited.

3.2.2.  Use of defective equipment is prohibited.

3.2.3.  Employees must follow manufacturer guidelines, and are prohibited from modifying equipment.

3.2.4.  Any employee on prescription medication that may affect ability to operate equipment or machinery must notify principal or supervisor prior to using equipment.

3.3.  Failure to comply with the conditions of this policy:

3.3.1.  Any employee who knowingly fails to comply with the conditions of this policy shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions in accordance with District Policy 1450.

1000 Personnel Administration

PROCEDURE v2025.03.19 | Developed for Washington County School District | © 2025 WCSD | Feedback