District Policy Washington County School District Logo


1910 - Field Placement & University Partnership

 Educator, Administrator, and Counselor - Adopted 02-08-11; Revised 3-15-16; Revised 6-8-21

1.  Purpose:

It is the intent of the Washington County School District to promote and support student educational experiences within its facilities.  WCSD is committed to working with our academic institutional partners to optimize the educational experiences of students who are training to become professional educators, school counselors, school leaders, and school psychologists.

2.  Policy:

Due to issues of liability, confidentiality, compliance, educational environment, all WCSD employees, administrators, participating schools, faculty, instructors, and participating students are required to follow procedures established by administration to manage and monitor clinical experiences, field placements, internships, practicums, and special program assignments for educators, school leaders, counselors, and other programs.  Assignments are temporary arrangements and may end at any time at the sole administrative discretion of the Washington County School District.

3.  Procedure:

3.1.  Definitions:

3.1.1.  “Clinical Experience" means a structured opportunity in which a program candidate is mentored by a licensed educator and evaluated by an LEA administrator or university preparation program faculty member, in order to develop and demonstrate competency in the skills and knowledge necessary to be effective as defined in Utah Administrative Rule.

3.1.2.  “Counselor Practicum Clinical Experience" means the school-based experience ,   that provides multiple opportunities for application of knowledge and skills that are uniquely required by the University Program. 

3.1.3.  “Field Placement and University Partnership Programs" shall encompass all approved WCSD field placement experiences.

3.1.4.  “Field Placement Committee" shall consist of the Washington County School District Executive Staff and shall approve School Leader Clinical Experiences.

3.1.5.   “Internship Clinical Experience" means the school-based experience that provides an opportunity to observe, practice skills, and reflect on practices as required in Administrative Rule that also includes an element of paid employment under the terms and conditions of a temporary employment agreement.  

3.1.6.  “Mentor" means an educator with a professional educator license who is trained to advise, coach, consult, and guide the development of a new educator, who will perform duties as described in R277-308, and must not have responsibility to evaluate a new educator.

3.1.7.  “School Leadership Clinical Experience” means a supervised school-based clinical experience, to include working in both an elementary and secondary school setting, which offers the opportunity of working with licensed school administrators, students, certified and classified employees, parents, and patrons required by Administrative Rule R277-305-4. Program participants are unpaid and clinical experience must not be completed on District paid contract time unless approved in advance by the WCSD Field Placement Committee.

3.1.8.  “Student Enhanced Experience (SEE) Program" means an apprentice cooperative educational endeavor between Utah Tech University and Washington County School District, designed to enhance a prospective teacher's opportunity for an applied practical classroom teaching experience. 

3.1.9. “Student Teacher Employment Program (STEP)" means a supervised "hands-on" experience to prepare aspiring teachers completing a university-based Board approved educator preparation program and clinical experience, while working as a temporary employee and receiving pay and benefits from the District as the “teacher of record” under a university associate license program. 

3.1.10.  “University Field Placement Clinical Experience" means a university/college student who is not an employee of the Washington County School District completing a Clinical Experience in the District as a requirement of their University Program or Administrative Rule. University Field Placement Clinical Experiences are unpaid.

3.2.  Requirements for all programs and Clinical Experiences:

3.2.1.  Applicants must not solicit participation for Clinical Experience assignments by arranging an assignment directly with administration or staff assigned to a school location. All Clinical Experience assignments are arranged and approved by the WCSD District Office. 

3.2.2.  Administration has the right to reject or accept a proposed placement and are authorized to interview applicants prior to finalizing a placement.

3.2.3.  An applicant must agree to conduct his/herself professionally and in accordance with all applicable WCSD policies and procedures, all Utah Administrative Rules, Utah Educator Standards under R-277-217 and comply with the supervising mentor's directives.

3.2.4.  The District reserves the right to end the field placement relationship at the District's sole discretion.

3.2.5.  All applicants must agree to and sign the Confidentiality Acknowledgement Affidavit and Non-Disclosure Agreement (District Form 160) prior to assignment. 

3.3.  University Field Placement Clinical Experiences:

3.3.1.  Interested applicants must be currently enrolled in nationally or state accredited programs.

3.3.2.  All applicants must complete a background check in accordance with requirements established by the Utah State Board of Education.

3.3.3.   Applicants must complete required course work prior to participating in an approved a University Field Placement Clinical Experience .

3.3.4.  Student ID name badges must be worn in place of employee badges while completing an assignment.

3.3.5.  Applicants must complete and submit a Teacher Clinical Experience Application/Agreement (WCSD Form 146).  Priority placement consideration will be given to applicants who submit the Application on or before April 1st in the school year preceding the requested assignment.  Students who submit the application after April 1st will be considered on an availability basis.  The form must be signed by the applicant and their university advisor.

3.3.6. Approval for Teacher Clinical Experience Applicant (District Form 146)

Teacher Clinical Experience Application/Agreements must be submitted to and Approved by:

Clinical Experience Program



Assistant Superintendent Elementary Education


Assistant Superintendent Secondary Education

Special Education

Director of Special Education

3.3.7.  University Field Placement Clinical Experience applicants must not be employed by Washington County School District in any other capacity during the time they are completing their Clinical Experience. For example, an individual completing a Teacher Clinical Experience must not be employed as a paraprofessional, custodian, secretary, etc. while completing their University Field Placement Clinical Experience requirements.

3.4.  Internship Clinical Experience Assignments

3.4.1. School Psychologist The School Psychologist Internship Program is an internship program in school psychology for a minimum one school year, that allows the participate to demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills in a school-based setting as required by Administrative Rule R277-306-2 that also includes an element of paid employment.  School Psychologist Internship applicants must complete a School Psychologist Internship Application/Agreement (District Form 153).  The form must be signed by the applicant and their university advisor.  School Psychologist Internship participants will complete the required clinical experience under the direction of an approved mentor School Psychologist.  The internship program estimated completion date must not exceed one school year.

3.4.2.  Graduate Student Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) Internship program The Graduate Student Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) Program is an internship program in Speech-Language Pathology that allows the participant to work as an entry level SLP under the direction of an approved mentor SLP, while actively enrolled in and completing an approved graduate level university SLP Program (as defined in Administrative Rule R277-306-4).  The internship program includes an element of paid employment.  Graduate Student SLP Program applicants must complete a Graduate Student Speech-Language Pathologist Application/Agreement (District Form 152).  The form must be signed by the applicant and their university advisor.  Graduate Student SLP Program participants must meet all graduate program requirements each year and must complete the SLP graduate program requirements by the estimated program completion date identified on District Form 152.  The program completion date must not exceed a total of three contract years.

3.4.3.  Counselor Internship Clinical Experience Counselor Internship Clinical Experience applicants must complete the applicable School Counselor Intern Program Application/Agreement (District Form 150B or 150C) prior to assignment and thereby agree to comply with all applicable school and WCSD policies.  Paid counselor interns receive no more than .5 FTE of the basic first step of the TT schedule for full time employment.  Current employees may receive no more than .5 FTE of their current salary and step.  A MAXIMUM of 50% of actual time worked may be in paid status, the remaining time must be uncompensated.  Actual work hours that are compensated cannot be applied toward the required clinical field experience hours.  Only uncompensated field experience may be applied to the required hours.   Counselor internship assignments may end at any time at the District's sole discretion.  Schools will be limited to no more than one counselor intern assignment per school year. The required portion of a Counselor Clinical Experience under R277-306 for the applicant’s university program is unpaid and must not be completed on district paid contract time.

3.4.4.  All Internship Clinical Experience applicants must complete a background check in accordance with requirements established by the Utah State Board of Education prior to the start of the assignment. 

3.4.5.  All Internship Clinical Experience applicants must possess an appropriate Utah License issued by Utah State Board of Education.

3.5.  School Leadership Clinical Experience

3.5.1.  School Leadership Clinical Experience

  • Applicants must complete and submit a School Leadership Clinical Experience Program Pan (WCSD Form 145) and a School Leadership Clinical Experience Program Application / Agreement (WCSD Form 150D) to the WCSD Human Resource Department.
  • The Human Resources Executive Director or designee will meet with the appropriate members of the Field Placement Committee in consultation with the proposed supervising principal prior to placement of a student on a School Leadership field placement assignment.

3.5.2.  The required School Leadership Clinical Experience must not be completed during contract time unless approved in advance by the Field Placement Committee. 

3.5.3.  School Leadership Clinical Experiences are unpaid and must not be completed on district paid contract time unless approved in advance by the Field Placement Committee.

3.5.4.  School Leadership applicants occupying district paid positions with added flexibility or who are not engaged in direct student supervision, such as learning coaches or teachers on special assignment, must identify program flexibility in advance by completion of the submission of the MANDATORY School Leadership Clinical Experience Program Plan (District Form 145).

3.5.5.  If contract time is approved such participation MUST not interfere with the applicant's teaching or job assignment.  Principals have the discretion to end a School Leadership Clinical Experience completed during contract time if he or she determines there is a conflict or a distraction from completion of teaching or other job duties.

3.5.6.  Schools will be limited to no more than one School Leadership Clinical Experience assignment at any given time.  Multiple administrative School Leadership Clinical Experience assignments at a single location distract from the school administrator's ability to complete contract expectations and must not be allowed.

3.6.  Counselor Practicum Clinical Experience Assignments

3.6.1.  Counselor Practicum Experience applicants must complete a School Counselor Practicum Clinical Experience Application/Agreement (District Form 149) prior to assignment and thereby agree to comply with all applicable school and WCSD policies.  The School Counselor Clinical Experience Application/Agreement must be submitted to the K-12 Counseling Coordinator.

3.6.2.  All applicants applying for a counselor practicum must complete a background check in accordance with requirements established by the Utah State Board of Education. 

3.6.3.  If the applicant is a current educator of Washington County School District the Counselor Practicum Clinical Experience assignment must not interfere with the applicants teaching assignments.

3.6.4.  With the assigned administrator or principal's approval a practicum applicant may use scheduled "preparation" time for the purpose of completion of a portion of practicum hours.  If "preparation" time is approved for practicum hour completion, it must not interfere with assigned responsibilities or attendance expectations, to include all contract and staff meeting requirements.

3.7.  Student Educational Experience (SEE) Apprentice Program with Utah Tech University Students

3.7.1.  To be eligible, all apprentice participants must complete a District approved Student Enhanced Experience (SEE) Apprentice Program Addendum/Agreement (WCSD Form 151 Updated), issued by the Utah Tech University coordinator, with the following conditions of participation:

3.7.2.  Candidates must be in good academic standing with a 3.0 GPA or better and must have completed all required academic course work.

3.7.3.  Will not engage in other employment that conflicts with apprentice program, to include substitute employment.

3.7.4.  Perform duties as outlined by the teacher of record assigned to the class and school principal.

3.7.5.  Perform duties for a minimum of 3.5 hours each workday.

3.7.6.  Be released from work in sufficient time to attend classes at Utah Tech University.

3.7.7.  Complete all additional Clinical Experience assignments as required in the DSU Education program. 

3.7.8.  Receive an approve stipend for work beyond the required Clinical Experience.  Apprentice participants are not paid for required Clinical Experience assignments.

3.7.9.  Program participants are allocated up to five (5) sick/vacation days at no deduction in the approved stipend.

3.7.10.  Participate in all school activities and programs to the extent that they do not conflict with university classes.

3.7.11.  Program participants serve under a temporary agreement that may end at any time at the sole administrative discretion of the Washington County School District.

3.8.  Student Teacher Employment Program (STEP) Assignments

3.8.1.  Applicants must complete a Student Teacher Employment Program (STEP) Application/Agreement (full year WCSD form 150A or partial year WCSD form 150E) prior to assignment and thereby agree to comply with all applicable school and WCSD policies.

3.8.2.  STEP Teacher must be recommended by their university program for the appropriate USBE Utah Associate Educator License, to be assigned as the “teacher of record” at the start of the employment agreement.   STEP teachers must not be employed by Washington County School District in any other capacity during their STEP assignment.

3.8.3.  STEP teachers will receive a salary equal to 60% of the basic first step of the TT salary schedule, along with the current legislative salary adjustment and benefits according to District Policy, for full time, full contract year employment.

3.8.4.  STEP teachers must complete their contract assignment as a STEP teacher. They are not eligible for employment or transfer into a regular teaching position pending completion of their STEP contract assignment.  

3.8.5.  Upon completion of the STEP program assignment, applicants may apply for continued employment with other applicants during the certified vacancy posting period.  STEP teachers are not eligible for non-competitive placement, continued employment, or conversion from a STEP assignment to provisional employment.

3.9.  Failure to comply with the terms, limitations, and conditions of this policy may result in termination of the employment of any current Washington County School District employee participating in any of the WCSD Field Placement and University Partnership programs.


Associated Forms:

WCSD Form 145 - School Leadership Clinical Experience Program Plan

WCSD Form 146 - Teacher Clinical Experience Application / Agreement

WCSD From 149 - School Counselor Practicum Application / Agreement

WCSD Form 150A - Student Teacher Employment Program (STEP) Application / Agreement

WCSD Form 150B - School Counselor Internship Clinical Experience Program Application / Agreement

WCSD Form 150C - School Counselor Clinical Experience Program Application / Agreement

WCSD Form 150D - School Leadership Clinical Experience Program Application / Agreement

WCSD Form 150E - Student Teacher Employment Program (STEP) Application / Agreement (Partial Year)

WCSD Form 151 - Utah Tech University SEE Apprentice Program

WCSD Form 152 - Graduate Student Speech – Language Pathologist Application / Agreement

WCSD Form 153 - School Psychologist Internship Application / Agreement

WCSD Form 160 - Confidentiality Acknowledgement Affidavit and Non-Disclosure Agreement

1000 Personnel Administration

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