Administrative Letters Washington County School District Logo


A018 - Student Cumulative Folder Records

 Student Cumulative Folder Records Reviewed and Updated April 2019


WCSD Cumulative Folder Records Order


  Item Procedure
 1 ESL (blue folder)

-> Place in the front of the Cumulative Folder

•  Ease of identifying ESL students and to maintain security of the records for state audit

 2 Registration Form

-> Parents will register online (from home or at school)

-> Registrar prints off completed form

-> Parent/guardian will sign

-> Place signed copy in Cumulative Folder


Legal Documents

May include:

-> Protective Orders

-> Custodial Parent Documentation

-> Guardianship


-> Other Legal Documentation (Contact Students Services with questions)

4 Signed Parent Forms -> Testing Opt-out Parent Request (Request given to Testing Director for current year, then place in Cum folder at the end of the year.)
 5 Transcripts from other districts  

Birth Certificate or other reliable proof of a student’s identity and age together with an affidavit (statement made under oath and notarized) explaining why the birth certificate cannot be provided

-> Check to insure it is a legal certificate

-> Only place 1 copy in Cumulative Folder 

Immunization Cards 

(or signed Exemption Form)

-> Print immunization record from USIIS on pink cardstock. If immunization information is not in USIIS, enter immunization information into PowerSchool, then print immunization record from PowerSchool on pink cardstock.

-> Immunization record verified and signed by Registrar and placed in Cum Folder 




Cumulative Folder Clarifications


Item Clarification
Request from other districts or states

Only send items listed on request form

Retain Cumulative Folder (due to mobility and many students returning)

Move Cumulative Folder forward as a “dead file”

Dead Files

Move with the student’s graduating class

Default to largest feeder school

Health Care Plans, 504 Accommodation Plans, Parental Notification of Incident Forms, Acceleration and Retention

Records of Health Care Plans and 504 Accommodation Plans are maintained separately on PowerSchool.  Health Care Plans are also kept with the school nurse on Google Drive.

Report Cards

Record maintained separately on PowerSchool


Record maintained separately on PowerSchool.  Can be printed to include when student is transferring to another district or state.

Test Scores

Record maintained separately on PowerSchool

McKinney-Vento Questionnaire

Maintained in a separate file and shredded at the end of the school year.

Access Log

Maintain in a separate file a log of who is accessing information the Cum Folders

Yellow HAL Folders

Record maintained separately on PowerSchool

Admin Admin Letters

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