Administrative Letters
A064 - Fill in Workers
Administrative Letter #64 Fill in Workers - Approved 10-3-2003; Updated 3-22-2013, 7-7-2017
DATE: Reviewed and Updated July 2017 – Lyle Cox
REGARDING: Fill in Workers
Federal law prohibits allowing an individual to work for an absent district employee, when the individual’s compensation for work performed is recorded as earned income for the absent district employee.
Allowing a family member, friend, or anyone to perform the work of a custodian or any employee so the employee’s salary is not deducted for an absence is prohibited. You cannot simply allow someone to “fill-in” for an employee who is absent from work. Additionally, you cannot allow a custodian to bring his or her family to work and have three people work for one hour then compensate the custodian for three hours of work. Unfortunately, I understand this practice has occurred. It is critical that the practice stop.
Please… if a custodian or other employee is absent. Record them as absent. If you need to get a substitute to work for the absent employee, appropriately document and record the hours of the substitute and report the absent of the employee.
If you have any questions please give HR a call!