Administrative Letters Washington County School District Logo


A026 - Parental Consent for Field Trips

 Administrative Letter #26 Parental Consent for Field Trips - Approved 11-16-1999; Updated 8-27-13

DATE:                Reviewed and Updated August 2013 – Lyle Cox

SUBJECT:          Parental Consent for Field Trips


Each school generates forms used to obtain parental consent for student field trips.  There is not a district form for this purpose.  State Risk Management officers have informed us that while there is no specific language that must appear on a field trip release form the school must ensure that informed consent is obtained from the parent.  Whatever form you are using should provide sufficient information to the parent about the activity so that they are making an informed choice as to whether to have their student participate.

There is one item regarding field trips that was stressed by Risk Management:  Principals must approve all field trips, which includes approving the adults who will be supervising the students while on the activity.  If volunteers are to be used the Principal must know who they are in advance.  The teacher that is organizing the activity should be responsible for providing the names of all adults (teachers and volunteers) that will be supervising students to the Principal as part of the field trip approval process.


(Form 1014 Permission for Out of School Activity is available on the forms page of our home page.)


Admin Admin Letters

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