Administrative Letters Washington County School District Logo


A141 - Veterans Preference Consideration

 Administrative Letter #141 on Veterans Preference Consideration approved by Lyle Cox 5/2/2019.




DATE:  MAY 2, 2019


We have learned that there are lots of questions about veterans preference and are providing the following question and answer guidance to help you as you consider applicants for your vacancies:


Q -- Am I required to consider veterans preference when considering outside district applicants who apply for a positions in my school or department?

A -- YES… Utah Code § 71-10-2, requires all "government entities" to include school districts to give veterans preference when considering veterans with other external applicants.

Q -- Am I required to give preference to veterans during for in-district staffing selections?

A -- No… Veterans preference consideration is only required upon initial hiring for employees who are not already employees of the District or who have been informed that their temporary employment will not continue.

Q -- Is there a penalty or consequence if I disregard this requirement?

A -- YES…  Any officers, agents, or a representative of a government entity who willfully fails to give preference as provided in the Utah Code is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.

Q -- What is Veterans Preference?

A -- Veterans' Preference gives eligible veterans preference in Hiring. ... Only veterans discharged or released from active duty in the armed forces under honorable conditions are eligible for veterans' preference. This means the individual must have been discharged under an honorable or general discharge.

Q -- How do I give preference to a veteran?

A --  It is simple.. if you have two equally qualified individuals with the same meaningful and relevant experience, education, and training, or a veteran with better experience, education, or training, then you must give selection preference to the veteran in interviewing and hiring for the position.  For example, if you are considering a highly qualified veteran with no history of conduct or performance concerns and a second individual with little or no experience then you must give the veteran preference for selection into your position over the lessor qualified applicant.

Q – How do I know if an applicant is eligible for veterans preference?

A – The WCSD Applicant Tracking “AppliTrack” form includes a section titled:

 “Veteran’s Preference” and includes the following statement. “Are you requesting Veteran’s Preference? If you are not sure of your preference eligibility, visit the Department of Labor’s Veteran’s Preference Advisor at

The Applicant is informed if they request veteran’s preference then they must upload a FORM DD214 to their application packet.  If an applicant identifies eligibility by attaching a Form DD214 then you need to STOP and consider veterans preference.  If you have questions, please call HR!

Admin Admin Letters

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