Administrative Letters Washington County School District Logo


A104 - Contract Day and Summer Hour Requested or Reported Leave

 Administrative Letter #104 Contract Day and Summer Hour Requested or Reported Leave

DATE:            June 8, 2015 

TO:                Building Level Principals 

FROM:          Superintendent Larry Bergeson 

SUBJECT:     Contract Day and Summer Hour Requested or Reported Leave


As a 239-day employee you are given 2 days of vacation leave each month, and can carry over 30 unused days of leave on any calendar year. Any time that normal contract hours or days are not worked, whether for a part or full day, it should be recorded on Kronos. The concern is that far too often this is not being done. There is an expectation that you will be at your building for a normal work day, during the normal hours, and available if needed, even during the summer. Any variation from this schedule requires the approval of your immediate supervisor, and should be recorded in Kronos. On occasion, when job related duties require you to work well beyond normal contract hours, time may be exchanged for normal contract hours, but only by approval from your supervisor. If you have further questions regarding this matter, please direct them to your immediate supervisor, or to the human resources department. Thank you for your continued efforts in leading this important work!

Admin Admin Letters

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