Administrative Letters Washington County School District Logo


A116 - Grant Checklist

 Administrative Letter #116 Grant Checklist - Approved 9-21-2016; Updated 01-23-2017

DATE:                 September 21, 2016

FROM:                District Administration

REGARDING:     Grant Checklist


___   Prior to submission of a grant, the grant must be approved and signed by any office that will have a new responsibility, obligation, or commitment because of the grant.  This includes transportation, maintenance (building support), and food services.

___All grants must receive approval from the Business Department as the obligated fiscal agent.

 ___HR Department approval is required for any grant that anticipates the employment or payment of stipends to employees.

 ___Grants cannot include the hiring of personnel with the expectation that the personnel will continue employment after the grant ends.  All grant employees are hired on temporary contracts.

 ___Employees need to complete grant work off-contract time.

  • 30 minutes before and after school, lunch periods, prep periods, and PLC early out days are all considered part of an educator’s contract

 ___Employees are bound by district policy when it comes to extra pay through grants.

  • Hourly or by district-approved stipend

___ Employees will not receive payment prior to completing the work.  Grant payment will be processed after the work is completed, when appropriate time card has been submitted. (See below)

 ___ In order to receive payment, employees being paid through a grant need to submit:

___ Date

___ Hours worked

___ Beginning and ending time

___ A short description of the product created/work completed

___ Sample evidence of the work




Beginning/ending time

Hours worked

Work completed


5:00 pm-7:30 pm


Developed CFAs


___ If the employee is acting as the fiscal agent representative for the District, they cannot sign their own timecard.

___ Products created, or products received, through the grant written when acting as a district employee are the property of Washington County School District.

___ Ensure that the activities of the grant comply with state and district policies, and the granting institution agrees to abide by those policies.

___ Be aware, when accepting a grant awarded by the US Department of Education or some other federal agency, the School District can become bound by specific federal regulations.

___ Do not assume that because a grant opportunity comes to you via the Utah State Board of Education that it has been vetted and is necessarily appropriate for our District.

Admin Admin Letters

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