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A023 - Activities - Participation of Non-WCSD Students in District High School Activities

 Administrative Letter #23 Activities --Participation of Non-WCSD Students in District High School Activities - Approved 07/2003; Updated 08/20/2013

DATE:              Reviewed and Updated August 2013 – Richard Holmes   

REGARDING:   Activities – Participation of Non-WCSD Students in District High School Activities           


Participation of Home/Private School Students in Utah High School

Activity Association Sanctioned Events 

From the 2003 Bylaws, Article I, Section 13: 

Students exempted from compulsory public school education by the local board for instruction in non-member private or home schools may be eligible for participation in extracurricular public school activities provided they earn credit as outlined in R277-700 and R277-438-4. The private or home school student may only participate in extracurricular activities at the school within whose boundaries the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) reside. 

The Utah State Board of Education Rule 277-700 describes the courses of study and the minimum time in instruction required in order to receive graduation credit.  In order to participate in a UHSAA sanctioned activity home/private school students must demonstrate that they are mastering the content and are receiving credit in the prescribed areas. Failure to do so results in academic ineligibility.  The following describes the procedure for evaluating the academic eligibility of home/private school students: 

  1. The student shall submit to the Principal of the UHSAA member school a portfolio containing (at a minimum) the items listed below. This portfolio must be submitted and approved prior to the home/private school student trying out, practicing, or participating in the UHSAA activity. 
  1. The applying student can only participate at the member high school in his/her attendance area. 
  1. The Principal may elicit the assistance of counselors, teachers, or other school personnel to evaluate the adequacy of the portfolio and in determining if the home/private school student is meeting (at least) the same requirements as students attending public school in terms of mastery of the content, time spent in instruction in required courses, and credit. 

Portfolio Items

a. A schedule showing the amount of time the student spends in each required subject for his or her particular grade. (Must meet minimum State standards).

b. Samples of the textbooks or other media used to instruct the student in each subject area.

c. A transcript, report card, or similar document showing the student’s grades in each subject area.

d. Products showing student performance in each required subject area, which may include, but not be limited to:

• Worksheets (completed and graded)

• Samples of writing proficiency

• Tests, quizzes, or other assessment instruments used to evaluate the student’s mastery of the content

• Projects demonstrating competence in the required subject areas

• Evidence of participation in enrichment activities (if any) such as language/science/history fairs, essay contests, etc.

e. At the option of the parent, the home/private school student may participate in the scheduled district-testing program or other assessment procedures carried out by the school as a means of providing additional documentation of academic eligibility.

f. Additional items as deemed necessary by the principal to determine the student’s eligibility. 

  1. The principal shall notify the home/private school student as to his/her eligibility.

Admin Admin Letters

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