Administrative Letters Washington County School District Logo


A083 - Q&A - Part-time Educator PLC Participation

 Administrative Letter #83 Q&A - Part-time Educator PLC Participation - Approved 09/12/2011; Updated 07/07/2017

DATE:               September 12, 2011; Reviewed and Updated July 2017 – Lyle Cox 

TO:                   All Email List 

FROM:              Lyle Cox 

REGARDING:   Q&A - Part-time Educator PLC Participation


 "I’m a part time teacher on a 3/7ths contract.  Am I required to participate in PLC activities without pay on a full time basis?”  If so, it seems unfair…


As a teacher you completed an education program that required “full” participation in “full” four-year program to receive your teaching license.  Even though you eventually took a part time job you were required to be fully qualified with a full, not a part, degree.  PLC sessions of at least 45 minutes are required as a condition of employment for all teachers.  The PLC program is intended to promote student achievement and teacher effectiveness.  We are not aware of any way for that to happen if you participate on a “Part Time” basis.  While austere funding has eliminated monetary stipends, PLC programs are an integral and critical part of the District’s educational program.  It is no less important than teaching the required curriculum with a current teaching license.  For this reason, all educators must, as a condition of their employment, continue to "fully" participate in PLC activities.  While, we regret that there was not sufficient funding to pay for both steps and PLC stipends, the decision was made to fund steps rather than stipends.  It was a difficult and challenging decision, but it was determined that steps would benefit teachers lifetime earnings over the long run.  We hope you are better off as a result of that decision, however, in any case, PLC participation is a condition of employment and must continue.  We hope you will not consider PLCs a burden but rather a helpful and meaningful program, even though your full time contribution is significant in comparison to your part time compensation. 

As a side note, if you are interested in full time employment, rather than part time, we will do all we can to help you find a full time position.  Please let your principal know you are interested in full time employment and we will do our best to help you. 

Admin Admin Letters

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