Administrative Letters
A144 - Unpaid Student Internship Hours
Administrative Letter #144 Unpaid Student Internship Hours - Approved June 2019
DATE: June 12, 2019
FROM: Dave Gardner, Career & Technical Education Director
Mike Hassler, Work-Based Learning Specialist
REGARDING: Unpaid student internship hours
The Washington County School District supports work-based learning programs for all students. This policy and identified procedures have been developed to promote consistent practices throughout the District, to address the requirements defined through law, while providing meaningful career-related experiences to students in a safe learning environment.
The Washington County School District has defined the following hours & availability as it relates to an unpaid high school internship experience.
- Hours accumulated during the internship must appropriately reflect “academic commitments corresponding to the academic calendar”.
- Unpaid internships should take place during school hours.
- A WCSD student intern must obtain a minimum of 46 internship hours per semester.
- A WCSD student intern may not exceed 85 internship hours per semester.